Chapter 6: Father

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"Ladybug," Chat started, as she turned her head. "Yeah?" she replied. "You've been a bit off," Chat said as she looked down. "N-Not like that! Like in missions, you'll always seem like your in some sort of... pain? Is there are something you're not telling me?" Chat asked.

Ladybug giggled. "Can't Ladybug's have their own little secrets?" she joked as Chat looked down. "Yeah..." he trailed off. Ladybug reached for his hand. "I don't want you to feel that I'm keeping you in the dark, and you're not wrong. I haven't been myself," Ladybug admit.

"But, this is something I really need to deal with on my own. It's very personal," Ladybug said as Chat returned a sad smile. "It's your choice, M'lady," he sighed. "I'm...I'm just here to talk if you need it," Chat stood up.

"Why the rush?" Ladybug asked, standing up as well. "I have to go visit someone," Chat responded as Ladybug tugged on his tail. "Oh? Who is the lucky lady?" Ladybug asked. "You're the luckiest lady I know," Chat leaned on his baton as Ladybug giggled.

"Her name is Marinette. She's the greatest," Chat smiled. "We like hanging out and watching movies, and she is the best baker I know! Her passion fruit macarons are the best," Chat mooned over the thought.

Ladybug giggled. "She sounds like something," she blushed at all the nice things Chat said about her. "I have to go now though," Chat replied. "See you!" he exclaimed as Ladybug waved.

She had to leave as well; now that she knew Chat was coming.


Marinette quickly de-transformed, looking for a plate to quickly put some macarons on. She heard a knock on her balcony, meaning that Chat Noir was here. "Oh! Chat Noir," she acted surprised.

"What's happening?" she asked as he shrugged. "Nothing, just wanted to see my purrrincess," he joked as she giggled. "You're too cute Chat," Marinette said as Chat smiled and blushed. "Thanks, princess," Chat beamed.

She had suddenly lost her appetite, as she read a text from Alya. Your mother found a good doctor for you, your appointment will be this Friday right after school. She was also wondering where you were, so I told her you were chilling at my place, okay? Because, I know you were doing something else ;)

Marinette smiled, thinking about the akuma. Thanks, Alya. You're the best. Marinette smiled at her phone, then looked at Chat Noir. "Chat, there is something I need to tell you," Marinette placed her phone down.

"Yeah, princess," he stared at her intently. "So, uhm," she stammered, not knowing how to start. "Remember the night of the akuma? When, we got under the... spell?" she asked as Chat Noir looked down.

"Yeah, I can't apologize enough. I have no idea why I came to your place," Chat Noir said. "Well, that's not the only thing that happened," Marinette said. "A couple of weeks after, I started showing many signs of," Marinette could barely speak.

"Of what?" Chat asked. "Pregnancy," Marinette said as Chat froze. "I-It was my first time, so I have a feeling that I'm carrying your baby," Marinette said nervously, not liking the shocked expression on Chat's face.

"Y-Your pregnant?" Chat stammered as Marinette nodded. He then smiled. "I-I'm so...surprised," he picked her up, tears coming to his eyes. Marinette giggled as he whirled her around. "I'm so sorry, that you had to hear this way," Marinette said as Chat shook his head.

"It's not your fault. It's all of mine. I got hit, then... well... I'm sorry," Chat sighed. "I really should have been more careful," Chat admit. 

"But, can't do anything now?" Chat chuckled as Marinette smiled. He rubbed her stomach. "I...I think..." Chat stammered. "I love you," Chat smiled as Marinette cupped his cheek. "Silly kitty," Marinette said, cuddling into his chest. 

"I love you too," she smiled. He pecked her cheek, rubbing her stomach as he ate a macaron. "I-I have a question," Marinette admit. "Yeah? What is it?" Chat smiled and asked. "You know, taking care of a baby is a lot of work," Marinette stammered.

"W-Will you support me?" Marinette asked as Chat laughed. "Of course I will," Chat chuckled. "It's not just the fact that I love you, I also love your - our child," Chat smiled. 

"That's...thank you," Marinette smiled. "No purrroblem," Chat said as Marinette giggled. "Gosh, I hope our child doesn't have your horrible sense of humour," Marinette joked as Chat pretended to cry.

"Oh~ how you wound me~" Chat said as Marinette giggled. "I'm so sorry," Marinette responded jokingly. "I'll always support you - you don't even have to ask," Chat smiled. "What about Ladybug?" Marinette asked nervously. 

"Huh?" Chat replied. "I thought you were in love with her?" Marinette explained. "Yeah, I was in love with her, but in this life, I'll only love two things," Chat gesture to her and her stomach.

"What about your other eight?" Marinette joked as Chat's eyes lit up. "You made a pun!" he exclaimed happily. "You're finally understanding my 'horrible' sense of humour," Chat joked.

Marinette smiled, closing her eyes. "You're going to be a mother," Chat said. 

"And I'm going to be a father,"

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