Chapter 29: The Grand Entrance

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Hey everyone, Clippy le idiot checking in :)! So, we finished with Hugo interrupting the big moment, and now... what's happening?

Aha, you'll just have to read and find out!~


Marinette's breathing sped up, her hand still enlaced tightly around Adrien's. "Okay, okay," -he breathed- "AUGH!" he screamed, Marinette squeezing his hand tightly. "T-THAT'S MY WRITING HAND MARI!"

"You should've thought about that," -she sucked in a breath- "Before getting me pregnant." "God," -he winced- "You have a strong grip, princess." "Adrien, I'm so freaking scared," she whispered, "We're not exactly parent material."

"It's going to be an adventure, but we do stuff like that the best!" He then smiled warmly, "I know that we'll both get the hand of it." "Hand-" "Sorry," -he laughed- "My hand hurts-"


She laughed, her sweating like crazy. "A-Adrien," -she sucked in a breath- "Are you going to leave me?" He laughed, "Where did that come from?" "And, of course, I'm not," -he chuckled- "I think you're just really emotional right now."

"Please, don't leave me-" "Hey, I won't!" he smiled, kissing her hand. "Okay, get out." He gave her a look, "I thought you wanted me to- "Not you."



"Nino," -Alya brushed her hand over his face- "Get the phone!" "It's like 1 am-" "Get it!" He quickly grabbed it, placing it up to his ear. "Hello," -his eyes widened, Alya turning on the lamp- "It's-" "WHO IS IT!?" she interrupted.

"It's Sabine, Marinette's in the hospital," -he breathed- "She's having the baby-" "YES, I PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER!" She exclaimed, already getting dressed, pushing the plastic tube out from under her shirt.

"Babe, slow down-" -Nino rushed from the bed- "We don't want you hurting yourself." "My BFF is giving birth," -she sucked in a breath- "And I'm not there." "Marinette's probably fine-"

"Yeah, that's what I thought, and then she got laid by Adrien."

"...Fair," Nino chuckled; Alya, slipping on her jeans. "Okay, get dressed," -she chucked a shirt at his face- "We can't waste a minute more!"

Alya and Nino then briskly went into his car, Nino putting her oxygen tank in the back seat with her. She dialled Marinette's mother, urging to see if Marinette was okay; or if she knew anything. "Hello!" -she paused- "Yes, we're on our way right now."

 Nino stopped at the hospital doors, Alya mumbling a quick good-bye before trying to rush out of the car. Nino helped her with her tank, both of them dashing as quickly as they could into the hospital, breathing heavily.

"Sabine," -she breathed- "Any other updates?" "No, not since they call that we just had 2 minutes ago," -she giggled- "And thank you both for coming on such short notice."

"Hey," -Nino laughed- "We would never get notified like a week in advance about Hugo's arrival, would we?" The group laughed, Alya finally sitting down in one of the chairs. She huffed, "Wow, I wonder if they were doing anything before this."

Nino stretched, "I hope Adrien wasn't in the middle of what I think he was doing," he whispered, "But I'm sure it's fine." "What do you think he was doing?" his girlfriend bounced back immediately.

"Nothing, I mean I don't know," Nino laughed nervously, his girlfriend tossing him a knowing glare. "I'm sure we'll find out sooner or later," -she settled in- "But we are probably going to be here for a while."

"How are you so sure?" "Well, Marinette takes forever when it comes to projects and assignments, so like mother like son," she giggled, Nino smiling slightly. 


"Hey, everyone," Adrien rushed into the room. "Oh, Adrien," -Sabine beat everyone to the first sentence- "Is everything going well?" "Well, yes, everything is amazing," he breathed, a warm smile pressed into his features.

"The baby is great," -he added, everyone released a breath- "He just needs to finish getting checked out, and he'll be good for everyone to meet."

"I just need to go do something quick," -he sighed- "But, you all can see Marinette." "She's on the room on the right," he added, tossing everyone a quick wave before dashing down the hall.

"Is this the Dupain-Cheng suite?" Alya chimed, Marinette's eyes lighting up as she saw her parents and her friends. "How are you?" Nino asked quickly. "I'm great," -she breathed- "I have a son, as you know, and once they washed him off, he was so cute."

"Oh, that's so amazing," Alya's tone was practically smiling ear-to-ear. "Yes, I'm so glad," -she wiped a tear- "Right now, everything is so surreal."

"And, hey, you're skinny again!" her mother noted, all of them laughing. "So, what were you both doing before, you know," Nino laughed slightly. "Oh," -she breathed- "Well, I'm not sure if Adrien wants to be here for this but..."

"Well, he proposed to me, at the Eiffel Tower," -she giggled- "And then Hugo decided it was the perfect time to make his grand entrance." "Wow, that kid has a thing for ruining the moment," Nino chuckled.

"Oh, I still don't regret it," -she laughed- "It makes my proposal story even more interesting." "Wow, I suppose so," Alya interjected, "Congratulations! I'll have to tell Adrien later, though," she giggled.

Adrien walked into the room, smiling. "Hey everyone," he noticed, walking over to Marinette. "Wow, it's almost five in the morning," Tom noted, Marinette's eyes widening.

"Yeah, it really felt like the labour took that long," -she giggled, stretching- "But, everything went smoothly, and I'm thankful for that."

"Yeah," -Adrien cleared his throat- "But, there is no easy way to say this..."


Haha, got to spice it up for the second-last chapter. AND WHAT, THIS BOOK IS ALMOST DONE, I'M CRYING ;-;

But, make sure to stay tuned for the final part ;)

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