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Hannah C. Poland}•

Harry hasn't reached me in days it worried me all these thoughts roamed in my head knowing I proably scared him away mentally disappointed in myself. I just met someone new that wasn't anyone besides T and we had such a good time, well so I thought. I sighed at myself laying on the couch while I watched the 70's show with Bruno

no not a boy just my dog.

"Men are awful Bruno" I sighed talking to him while he cuddled into my chest licking my cheek

"You're right I don't need a man when I have a handsome puppers like you" I smile laughing while he wagged his tail. My phone began buzzing with an incoming FaceTime call


My eyes widened "Fuck I look like shit" I quickly got up brushing my hair down with my hand while Bruno whines at me

"I'm sorry for my language it won't happen again" I apologize to him while he turns around laying on my lap as I reach for my phone answering it, my nerves racked up while it connected and his face popped on the screen.

"Anna!" He smiles, he looked like he was in bed wearing a hoodie and his curls all messed up.

"Well look who became the stranger"
I joked and he chuckled while he adjusted his phone.

"Heyyy! It wasn't intentionally, I've been very busy trying to write a new album but it's quiet not working out as I planned" he sighed running his hand threw his hair

"How come?"

"I haven't had any inspiration my mind has just been blank as you can see but enough about me how's your day been?" He smiles showing me his famous dimples.

"Well besides the countless hours watching the 70's show and cuddling with Bruno it's been rather boring" I tell him and his face softens.

"Im sorry Anna I didn't mean to interrupt your time with your boyfriend-" I cut him off before he continued bursting into laughters

"You think I have a boyfriend, I'm talking about my dog Brit" he starts laughing hiding his face in embarrassment.

"Well that's embarrassing" he sighed removing his hand from his face

"The reason I called you was because I have nothing on my schedule for tomorrow and I wanted to see if you were up to something" He added on

"Well with the busy schedule I have and I did promise Bruno we'd have all day together tomorrow I will have to check in with him on that" I told him tugging my hair behind my ear.

"Is that fine with you Bruno?" I look down at my lap and he barks glancing back at Harry on my phone.

"Well what did he say?" He asked playfully rolling his eyes.

"He said no" I stare blankly with no expression his eyes widening.

"Come on Bruno let me steal her for just a couple hours" he begged I laughed at how he was talking to my own dog while Bruno sends me little whines.

"He said it's fine but I better be home on time" I tell him

"I learn something new about you everyday Anna, well tell him not to worry" he tells me a smile growing on my lips.

"I'll pick you up around 4 goodnight Anna"

"Goodnight Brit" I smile before hanging up while Bruno stares at me and I roll my eyes throwing my hands in the air.

"Don't give me that look how could you even say no to that" I scoffed

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