Chapter 2: Uncle's Visit

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Nothing much really happened. You were going to play on your saxophone all day but you were kicked out of the band until you got your act together. So instead, you've been listening to your favorite radio station whilst you cleaned up the house. Your uncle was coming over and you wanted the house to be clean and spotless.

You were trying to prepare dinner when suddenly, a knock came from the front door.
You placed the pot roast onto the table only to be burnt by the hot plate. You waved your hand, feeling the stinging burn get to you. You hurried to get a wet cloth before getting the door.

"(Y/N)! It's been long, baby," your uncle gives you a big hug. "What have you been up to? I bet you are getting ready for the Masquerade Ball?" 

"Yeah! I've been doing swell on the saxophone, hehehe," you nervously laugh, trying to head into the kitchen. "Don't mind me, I just burnt myself from the pot roast I was cooking up. Salad is on the table." 

"Smells great in here!" Your uncle closed the door, unraveling his jacket to put on the coat hanger. 

"Between the freshner and chemicals fuming the air with its scent? Yeah, it definitely smells positively good!" You went to sit down, throwing the cloth away. "So Uncle Vinny? How have you been these days?" 

Uncle Vinny sat down, going to grab his meal. "Same ole, same ole job. Between netting fish and working at the shop, it tires me out. But-" 

"You're rewarded in the end, I know. Uncle? I get a lot of wisdom and advice from you, don't I?" You giggle.

"You do look up to me, hun. Say? What's the frown all of a sudden? You look like a sad bear without no honey."

"You could say that… I have no band," you answered.

"What? No band?! Why not?" 

"Uncle, I play without syncing to my chorus's number. I got kicked because I like to play my own music. Is that bad?" 

"Sure ain't bad, dear. You can be your own you when it comes to doing what you love. You love to play the saxophone so play it how you want." 

"Yeah but we have to make the music perfect for next week. We have to play at the same time! I just feel out of place now. It's been a thing lately…" You put your fork down.

"(Y/N), let me give you a lesson on being part of a group; When you can't fit in, find a way in your own way. If they can't be pleased by it then they just aren't right for ya. A ball with music is supposed to be fun! Not some competition." 

"That's how Terry sees it. He wants his members to play all according to his music notes. I wish he can see we could play our tunes on our own. May sound off in the lyrics but who knows? It may be fun! Playing all the instruments at the same time is hard to hear our own melody." 

"He sounds like a conductor who can't perform well nor conduct a group. (Y/N)? You just need to practice." 

"I've been! Ugh, I guess I just need to go talk to Margaret on this one. Thanks, Uncle Vinny." 

"Not at all, hun." Uncle Vinny dabbed his lips with a napkin. "Ooo, dang! Looks like I got to head back home. I am going to be incredibly busy. I'm glad we caught up, dear. Sorry things didn't go well today."

"It's okay, Uncle. I can get over it. Just worried about the event coming up and I really hate that I was kicked out." 

"You'll come back, I know it. Just try to follow my advice, ya hear?" 

"Yeah," you replied, getting up and cleaning the side of the table your uncle sat down by.

He grabbed his jacket, placing it on before heading out for the night. It began to rain, a storm cloud began to form as lightning filled the sky.

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