Chapter 10: Tough choices

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You sighed, flying through the air. You can see the lights below you. It looks as though the Mardi Gras Party is getting set up for tomorrow. The rain was coming down sadly, storms brewed which worried you to be flying in the air. "Sure looks beautiful from up here. What are you guys even planning to do with me?" The shadows ignored your question. They swooped down making you yelp. "Be careful! I hate to splat into an egg!" You were heading to that dark alleyway where Dr. Facilier's lair was at.

Dr. Facilier was sitting in his chair, waiting for his Friends on the Other Side to bring you to him. The door flew open and you were dropped down in front of him. "Thanks, y'all! Finally brought her to me. (Y/N), we meet again. You think outrunning this deal would break that special gift I gave ya?"

"Lay off! What do you want from me?!" He took your hand but you showed aggression towards him.

"You know what I want. Play that music of yours. Tomorrow is the big day- unfortunately it wasn't early but the night will shine and you will be the star to bring the crowd to me."

"What do you mean?" You backed up, Dr. Facilier's shadow gripped your shoulders, keeping you down in the chair.

"That musical instrument you have, I enchanted it. As long as you play it with spirit, it will lure the people in New Orleans to you but as a result, their souls will be taken out of their body, letting my friends enjoy their feast! I made a deal, you made a deal and we must own up to it, honey."

"I never wanted this! I just wanted people to appreciate me! Appreciate what I want to do; Make people enjoy my music." You struggled. Dr. Facilier took your chin, your faces were close to each other.

"Doll, in order of giving you somethin', you had to give me somethin' in return.You gave my friends what they wanted and the voodoo boss himself." He showed you a tarot card that was the future that held out for you. "Didn't you want this? This could be you if you continue our deal. Don't you want your mama and daddy to be proud of you? Imagine the riches and fame you'll get from just playing your music."

He was right, you really did want that future but with what cost? To see others fall for your song before they legit fall to the floor? You closed your eyes, shaking your head. "No. No, I don't want that future. It is tempting but my uncle is right; I should have been my own me, playing my music and another thing I can find a way to get through to my group."

Dr. Facilier raised a brow, "Oh really? And what is that?" He backed up as you stood up out of the chair, marching over towards him. The shadow of his seemed scared. There was tension rising.

"I should have shown them the right way to enjoy our songs. Our songs we enjoyed as friends! Communication is key than having some wish come to me and make my dream come true! That is not how life works! I want to cut our deal off!"

Dr. Facilier revolted at your courage. "You can't go against it, doll! Your curse won't break and it never will until I say it does!" He towered over you but you kept your ground.

"Why even do this?! Playing with dark magic will only get you into big trouble!"

"I do this for a living to help people, (Y/N)! It is all about the money, the real magic to my business! Makin' a fortune off of helping the unfortunate people in this town! Why do you think I came to you, hm? To give you your desires, I know what you want." He pulled purple dust out of his pocket and blew it at you, images reflecting your memories. "Remember, this is your dream; To be like your daddy. I know it because my friends know it. If you want something, gotta offer what is truly valuable to you. My friends don't work for free, ya know? You can keep tryin' to get out of your music by talkin' things out but it won't break you from your spell." His long skeletal fingers touched your shoulders. "C'mon, darling. Maybe if you continue this, we could perhaps-" He leaned forward in your ear, whispering, "Go on a date? I found our first kiss to be truly magical, wouldn't you agree?" He chuckled.

That kiss during the deal you made with him was magical but you clutched your heart, feeling ashamed. You shouldn't have done this and now you were in a spiral of emotions. You turned your head. "I don't want to do this! I won't play my song because-" You stopped. When he said that you should offer something valuable... Was it the only way to get out of your predicament?

"Because what? (Y/N), we don't want to play these silly games. You either play the song or you suffer the consequences- personally, I hate to suffer them myself. I hate to disappoint my Friends on the Other Side."

"I'll give up music!" You shouted. The images around you vanished.

"Give up music? Elaborate for me."

"You and your friends want something valuable, right? I'll give up my saxophone... I won't ever play music again."

Dr. Facilier was taken back. You would actually give up what was important to you. "Is that what you truly want? I promised the voodoo spirits and gods that I would give them the souls that you would deliver. Changing this deal will be drastic on your part and mine. Think carefully, doll."

"... I have made my decision and I don't want to play music anymore. I honestly need a break and getting away from it is just what I need to clear my mind. I want to talk to my pals. I want to do what is right."

"And getting rid of your passion is the right choice?" Dr. Facilier sneered. "That is crazy."

"I can find a better hobby." You crossed your arms. "This is my choice and I want you to accept my offer."

"Heh, if I refuse this offer? What then?"

You hated to argue with this guy. "Then I will find another way to break my curse. I WILL!"

"As I said, keep on tryin'. It won't do you any good. I do suggest that you give it thought. I could talk to my Friends on the Other Side about it."

"What are you going to do with me now that I am here?"

"I'll let you go but know this; If you mess our deal up... My debt won't be fulfilled and something bad will happen to me. Think about that one, honey." He used his cane to open the door with an unknown force. "Go on."

You walked to the exit and just dashed out through the rain. Talk about deja vu. You headed to your home finally and went inside, locking the door. "What am I thinking? He's right. If I give up music... Oh, I just want this to end! Maybe I should follow Mama Odie's advice and just talk things out. That is what I need to do. Play the keys." You went into your closet, looking down at your instrument. Could your sax be the answer?

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