Chapter 5: Running from the Shadow Man

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It's been a good three hours and most people have been following you. Your lead band member, Terry, kept complimenting you on your performance. There was no practice whatsoever. Margaret could see that you felt exhausted from your own breath due to playing on your saxophone. She took you inside your home, locking the door so you wouldn't be disturbed.

"Girl, this is crazy," she said. "You gotta take a break, you look beat."

"You don't think that I am?! I don't know what is going on. My music is starting to gain fame now?" You slid your back on the wall, sitting on the ground now.

"Why wouldn't it be gaining popularity? Girl, I like to ask you something and as a friend, you need to tell me. What happened?"

"What do you mean?" You looked up at Margaret, worried that she may find out. She could solve what is going on with others. It was a gift and it would bug you a lot. But this was serious.

"(Y/N), don't play dumb. You were bad for Terry, now he adores your music. Everyone else that is around us in New Orleans adores your tune. How did you get so good? It can't just happen just like that for everyone to enjoy your music." She crossed her arms.

You hated to lie to her. She was your best friend and you didn't want her to know about last night's events with the voodoo doctor. You got up, rubbing your arm. Maybe it was best to tell her the truth. She would find out sooner or later. "Marge, I have to tell you something that happened to me last night. I met a voodoo doctor by the name of Dr. Facilier."

Her jaw dropped, walking up to you worriedly. "Are you being serious right now?! You met the Shadow Man?! My mama told me to be weary of strangers like that! Are you telling me that he granted your wishes on becoming a talented musician?!"

"Uh... Yes. You really know how to read me, huh?"

"I am your best friend. You are sometimes predictable and hun, that was just explaining what you were going to tell me. Dr. Facilier is bad news. Do not play that sax."

"Don't worry, that is the last thing that I will do. I need to talk to him-"

"Don't do it, not now! Everyone is hypnotized over your song. We wait until dusk. Things will settle down. If we can't find him, then we will wait. Just that sax is off limits."

You went to grab your saxophone and put it into the closet. "There, no temptation. I got this. What do we do in the meantime?"

"For now, you need to rest. You'll feel better later. Also, I advise that you drink water before rest." Margaret helped you to the kitchen, fixing you up with a nice cold glass of water.


You were out of it for hours. It was dusk out and the streets were clear. Margaret shook you while you were asleep. "Wake up, wake up! We gotta move now! Remember, we don't have much time. Next week in like two days, we got to go to the Mardi Gras with what notes we got! Terry and everyone else is depending on you."

You yawned, "Okay, okay, I am up! Let me adjust to the light- YEEP!" Margaret was impatient and dragged you. The outside was actually warm for once. You two saw a man in a top hat, walking down to where you encountered him in his lair. "That's Dr. Facilier!" You pointed at which your friend covered your mouth and dragged you behind your house. Dr. Facilier took a look at where the noise was but saw nothing. He continued his walk with a whistle.

"Come on, let's move. We don't want to lose him," Margaret said, whispering.

He went back to his alleyway where his parlor shop was. You both watched, witnessing shadows on the wall. They looked off putting, not even matching his own in which it was also forming and moving without him doing the same. "Good evening, gentleman," he tipped his hat. "Let's start our meeting inside. I have a plan for all of us." He walked inside.

"A plan?" Margaret whispers to you. "Wonder what he's up to?"

"As you said, we don't have time to question it ourselves. Let's get in!" You said, heading towards the door. You gestured to your friend to come forth. Getting into the parlor, you both heard ghostly laughter. You peeked from the corner of the walls, listening in on Dr. Facilier.

"I was thinking about this girl I made a deal with. (Y/N) has some talent. That music that she plays, I enchanted it and to give her that happiness, you all are gonna get something in return," Dr. Facilier grabbed purple powder and blew it in his hand as it formed into a projection. "As long as she plays, your souls will be delivered to you personally. She just needs to keep that confidence up." You and Margaret looked at each other. "Hahahaha! Now, I know she'll play that sax of hers. She won't stop at all."

You two backed away only for you to bump into the chair which caught Dr. Facilier's attention. He somehow sensed that it was you. "Looks like we got an uninvited guest with our musical star. Come on in, sweetheart~"

"RUN!!" Margaret screamed along with you. You two left the parlor shop, having him order his 'Friend's from the Otherside' give chase.

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