Chapter 12: Acceptance

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//Welp, this is it. Embrace the ending you will get. Enjoy🥲💜//

The music was filling the night sky as a lot of guests in the Mardi Gras Party were dancing. Half the food was being eaten at the tables and punch was being served. You were passing by the crowd, searching for Dr. Facilier. "He has to be somewhere!" You say to yourself. "He needs to fix what he has done!" You could have sworn that you saw a glimpse of Facilier from a distance where the gazebo was at. It looked like he was walking there to get away from the crowd. You followed, hoping to not lose him. You walked up slowly to the little stairs to the gazebo, inside Dr. Facilier was observing the party. He knew that you were there just by his shadow pointing you out. His smirk never left his face.

"Enchante, darling~" He says before turning around as he removes his mask. "Enjoying the party?"

"No... I am not! What did you do?!" You stomped your foot.

"What did I do? I did what you wanted me to and look where we are. You gave up music and with that-"

"My friends don't know who I am at all except Margaret!" You walked up to him only for his shadow to spook you. "I want you to undo this!"

"Babygirl, relax and take a moment to think. If I were to reverse this, your music would be gathering the crowd to the spirits and they would have devoured their souls. Your decision was the right thing to do on your end but on mine, not much. I promised them but as long as deals are made, nothin' will happen to me. I hate to go down in that rabbithole of insanity." He shuddered. "(Y/N), you gotta accept what you've done."

You were processing this, trying to anyway. You really did screw up everything. Your music career really went down the drain. You should have not messed with the Shadow Man. You rubbed your arm, accepting your faults. You should have just taken your Uncle's advice and followed your heart instead of trying too hard. Things change and it sure did for you. Did you really want to accept this new moment in life? Yes? No? You had to. You watched from afar as your friend Margaret and her bandmates were getting praised, audiences wanted an encore. You looked up at Dr. Facilier. "You know, that should be me shining on stage like that... But I am proud that my friend is having fun." You tried to make light to it despite the envyness inside.

"I can tell that this is makin' ya feel bitter. Odd one out in this party, aren't ya?" Dr. Facilier teased. "I am quite surprised that you are taking this in so well."

"If I try to get my music back, I know what you are going to do. I am not risking anything else. I would rather lose what I was passionate about than lose a friend. Sure, I lost my bandmates but Margaret is like glue to me; We stick together so well."

"You don't say? Hahahaha! But your dream! You could have had it all!"

"True but I could find something else that could be my calling." You went to sit down at the bench, watching the fireworks go off. Dr. Facilier looked down at his shadow before he went to sit next to you. "So what happens now?" You asked.

"Hmmmr," he scoffed but shrugged. "I guess you and I could get to know each other but hey, I already know so much about you. My friends can do a little diggin' in that heart of yours. I know the one thing you desire besides wanting to be famous just like your daddy~" He took your hands. You couldn't help but to blush at his touch.

"And what would that b-be?" You choked. Of all the things he has done to you, those feelings grew inside. Dr. Facilier did not respond except with a kiss. That moment hit you again, your eyes closed. You embraced him before you let go. "Love?" You questioned. It was obvious, no hiding it.

"Correct, honey. As much as I am disappointed that you sabotage the plan for the gods and spirits, I actually still enjoy your presence. Plus you chose wisely and didn't mess up my debt."

"Yeah, I guess I sort of did the right thing." You rubbed your arm.

"Don't look so down, doll. Maybe you'll find a new talent, a new purpose in your life than what you had before. Not everything is set in stone as a lot of folks would say and to be frankly honest, that is annoying to hear."

You looked at him, "You're right but I don't know where to start." Confusion and anger spiraled in your head. Just where the heck will you even find your passion for a new hobby?! You then realized that Dr. Facilier could help you but you also had to tell yourself to be careful. You know not to tango with a man who plays with the dark arts of voodoo. Maybe there could be a compromise perhaps. "Dr. Facilier, could you maybe help me?"

Dr. Facilier grinned, "I am a man of business and since I do like ya, I would be more than happy to fulfill that request~"

"If you were to help me, at least don't make any deals with me however, I am willing to pay money-"

Dr. Facilier shushed your lips with his long, bony finger. "Shhhh, the first few sessions are free but the next time we meet, it won't be free. It's either you pay up or make another exchange." You nodded to the agreement without shaking hands. You knew your mistake and you hate to make the same mistake again. For now, you two sat there talking then he took your hand and offered you to dance with him. The night was still young and you two were alone. Things may look better for your future with the Shadow Man.

//Well, what did you expect, a happy ending of getting your music back?! No! Lol, I wanted to make an acceptance in the end. It is okay to give up something that you love if things don't work out. A break is very important. It's either return to your dream or do a new thing that could be the next dream. Having more hobbies could expand interest and later something big! (Don't make the mistake, Facilier could twist it).
Anyways, I am proud to say that this story came to a full disclosure and I can say that I AM DONE WITH THE BOOK WOOO-HOOOO!! Thanks for the reads!//

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