Chapter 11: Sacrificing the talent

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//If you guys are still reading this, congrats! I am happy to see this book hit over 7.9k reads. If not, gonna be over 8k reads soon. As much as I got over Dr. Facilier, he is still one of my favorite Disney villains and glad to see others enjoy him. This may or may not be the final chapter to this book. If so, I am stoked to get this completed. Thanks💜//

Time skip to Mardi Gras Day in the afternoon

You were eating lunch when you got a knock on the door. You went up to it, opening it to see, "Margaret?! You're here!" You hugged her as she hugged you back. "I thought you were lost?!"

"Nuh-uh! I was trying to search for you after you got kidnapped. Wait, what happened?" She walked inside as you shut the door.

"I was kidnapped, yes, and Dr. Facilier was the one behind it. He had shadows nab me and bring me to him."

"That creep! He better not have hurt you-"

"He didn't at all. He does want me to play my saxophone which would lure the souls to him so the voodoo gods would take them!"

"WHAT?! (Y/N), you really did mess this one up! Ugh! We need to do something about this! My family is going there and I hate them to be a dish for the shadows to prey on!"

"Don't worry, I have a plan. Remember, I need to talk to my band. Maybe after I talk to them, come to terms with my feelings, I could play a certain key on my instrument and it will break the curse! At least, I think that is how I could fix it."

"It better work! I hate that you are in this situation! I gotta get ready soon! I gotta practice! Keep off that instrument for now. I will talk to Terry about you joining back." Margaret headed out the door. You watched her go, looking back at the closet. Hopefully your idea does work. Maybe you'll find Dr. Facilier at the party as well.

It was evening now. Everyone outside was dressed up, wearing masks, there were many parade floats passing by the streets. Lights sparkled on the roads. Balloons floated high in the sky as streamers flew everywhere. You dragged your saxophone in the wagon. Margaret had her trumpet in hand. "(Y/N), did you figure out what you are gonna say?" She asked.

"Yeah, I think. Is Terry and the group here?"

"Yeah, they are by the stairs." She pointed to them. Terry looked like he was a little nervous. You came up to them but stopped. There was a guy standing among the crowd.

You noticed that he looked taller and skinny like the- "Voodoo Man..." You whispered. You had a strong feeling that it was him. It looked as though he was watching you. You had to make your decision now; See what he wanted and what he was up to or talk to your friends. You gripped your saxophone, sweat drops formed on your face. This was hard. You were worried about what he meant if you ended the curse. He would be in debt... You walked through the crowd, tapping his shoulder. "I know it's you."

"Your eyes are sharp but not that head of yours," Dr. Facilier teased. "What are ya waiting for, hun? Now's your time to play the music and take what is ours."

"Facilier, I have to decline this. I know you promised the spirits that you would deliver them souls... I- I want to give my music up. I am handing you my sax." You placed it down beside Dr. Facilier however his face looked dissatisfied.

"Is that what you want, darlin'? Think about the adoring fans, everyone would love your musical performances day in, day out. You don't want to ruin your friendship with the gang. It looked as though you were all excited for this night. What is stopping you?"

"That's just it. I don't want all of us falling apart. We need to sync together, work together, have fun. It is all I actually ever wanted... So yeah, take my music away." You put your hand out, wanting him to take the offer.

Dr. Facilier scrunched his fist. He didn't like this one bit but a deal is a deal and that was her valuable item. He shook on it, vanishing the instrument. You would feel a tingling sensation coursing through your body. "There... You can no longer play music but mark my words, you'll regret this!" He let go. A storm brewed in the sky, lightning flashed, and rain poured.

"Aww, not again! We worked half the day on this!" Terry exclaimed. "Inside everyone!" He and the rest of the gang along with the people headed into the building to avoid getting drenched. Once everyone was inside, you heard drums rumbling. Dolls popped out behind Dr. Facilier. Dark clouds surrounded you both. You were waving the darkness away but it just made it worse. A gust of wind blew at you. You closed your eyes, grunting at the force of it as you flew into... Your bed?

"Huh?" You rubbed your head, looking left and right. "Was that all a dream?" You looked out the window, it was still nightfall and the lights from afar were bright. "How did I even end up back here? I thought it was just some hand shake and everything would be different."

"(Y/N)! C'mon, you're gonna be late! I gotta get ready for the band!" Margaret hollarded below your window.

"Coming! Wait!" You checked your closet, seeing no saxophone. "He has my saxophone, hmmmm," you headed downstairs and met up with Margaret outside. "Don't you mean we gotta get ready for the band?"

Margaret raised a brow, "What you talkin' about? You ain't in our band."

"Ugh, is Terry still angry? Didn't you talk to him?"

"Uhhh, confusion? Terry isn't angry. He never was. Are you okay?"

"What?!" You backed up. Okay, this may be a dream? You scratched your head. "Yeah, I am fine. I am just shocked that he isn't mad about my saxophone incident."

"Girl, okay, first of all, I don't recall you playing any instrument and second, Terry and the gang are my friends. They don't know you much. We don't have time to chit chat. We gotta get going." Margaret took your hand.

"Margaret! What is even going on?! Terry and everyone else aren't my friends?! I was one of their band members!" You were being dragged. What did that witch doctor do?! Did he wipe everyone's memories of you being a part of a music team? Was this the consequence that he was stating?!


Margaret was about to start in moments but you and her were only arguing about what was going on between her and your friends connected with her. "(Y/N), I just don't remember even doing that. I never met Mama Odie, never seen the Voodoo Man, and I do not recall you playing music when we were kids. I have only seen your interest in having quiet time to yourself like reading books or writing poems, lyrics. Never knew you were into doing music nonetheless."

"I was always into music since my father was a famous musician! I can't believe what that jerk did!" You crossed your arms.

"We should talk about this later, I gotta perform. I am sorry that you are in a delusional moment but I am sure you'll get out of it. Maybe you were near the swamps for too long." Margaret headed up to Terry's group and began to play her trumpet.

You sighed, your head down on the table. "I can't believe that this is happening. I need to find that man pronto!" You got up and went to search for Dr. Facilier. 

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