Chapter 8: Meeting the Good Witch Doctor

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//It has been some time since I published another chapter of this. August 2021 was my date that I made chapter 7. Been a long time... Well, now I'm back. I guess I have been doing witchcraft stuff myself besides artwork and writing. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I had to get into character again.//

The evening felt long, Margaret was rowing along with you. That shadow from earlier, it didn't try to take you. Either the light or it just didn't want to harm you, things were different. "Girl, you okay? Kinda worrying me," Margaret waved her hand in your face. "I think we are almost there. Just a little more- oh, that is just great. I think we hit two directions."

You shook your head, "Yeah, I am good and oh great, really?" You two stopped rowing. "Well, since you are the expert on getting us to point A and B, where the heck do we go to?"

"Let me check- dang it! When the boat flipped, our bags sank to the bottom! What a trip!" Margaret growled in frustration. "This swamp stinks! I mean, both ways really..."

"Let's not get angry about this, we will find some way to get to her and this time, let me take over. After all, this is my journey and I don't mind you tagging along. You helped me a lot and I appreciate it. Just take a break, ya know?" Margaret sighed, agreeing with you. The sooner your curse would be lifted, the better. You two continued to navigate to the direction that felt right to you. For some reason, you felt this aura nearby. It was a soothing light. Fireflies surrounded the path, it had to be it.


Dr. Facilier's shadow returned to the voodoo shop where Dr. Facilier was waiting in. He looked impatient. He felt his shadow returning. "Bou' time you came back and I knew it! All of you failed to bring her to me! Hm?" He listened to it, "You sayin' that she saved you? Huh... I never expected someone to do that but it doesn't matter! I made a deal and we both need to fulfill it or we suffer the consequences of not appeasing the spirits!" Facilier was not having any more failures. "If she ever shows up, we're gonna get her! Her music is what we need to appease the voodoo god. That Mardi Gras Party is coming up and that is where we will get our souls. I know that she will be performing. She must." Dr. Facilier pace around only to pause. "You all gotta go hunt her again and when she isn't lookin' SNATCH HER!" More shadows came out and followed his orders.

You and Margaret were getting closer. The light on the water was illuminating your path. Margaret's mouth opened wide, looking at the tree hut that was from afar. "Oh my gosh, we are here! This is Mama Odie's place! C'mon!" The two of you rowed faster. Once you arrived, you both tied your boat around the end of the dock pole. "Now, I heard other stories about her. We must still be cautious."

"Trust me, after the first voodoo doctor, I hate to tackle deeper waters. If she is really good then she could help with my dilemma." You two took a deep breath, embracing what is to come. You headed up to the hut and knocked on the door. "... I wonder if anyone is home?" You asked.

"Beats me, maybe you didn't knock hard enough." Margaret knocked for you but this time hers were harder. "Is this lady hard of hearin' or somethin'?" The door opened slowly, making you two back up. A snake hissed, looking up at you both which Margaret reacted screaming. "AHHHHH! SN-SNAAAKE! Go away you evil creature! (Y/N), don't let it bite me!" Margaret hid behind you, shaking. You forgot that she was afraid of snakes.

"Margaret! Calm down, he looks docile. He won't do anything."

"That's what you think until they kill ya!" Margaret snapped.

"Juju! Baby, what is all the ruckus?!" An old raspy voice said. The snake slithered towards his owner. "There you are-" She grabbed her cane, petting the top. "Are there guests here?" The snake rolled its eyes and slithered up to her, pulling the cane away only to be squeezed. "I feel your scales! Now, Juju, we got guests?" Juju nodded, hissing in response. "Let me try to take a look, you know my eyes ain't too keen on sight." She fixed her glasses, "We got us two girls! Welcome! Come on in! Don't be shy now. Not like I would cast any of that shadow magic."

You both looked at each other before walking in. "You are Mama Odie, correct?" You asked.

"The one and only, who may you two travelers be? Wait, wait- don't tell me; You met face to face with the Shadow Man, is that what's going on here?"

"That would be (Y/N)'s fault. I don't trust that man. We need your help." Margaret jumped back at the snake.

"I know what you need, honey. You want me to lift that curse of yours? That music curse. I could offer advice and some options here on your predicament but the choices rely on you and you alone to pursue them."

"I thought you would use some spell to stop it?" You shrugged, confused by this. You thought that she could easily help you with just a flick of a wrist but you felt disappointed.

"(Y/N), I can't just undo things so simply now. I may be a professional in the arts of magic but I need to dive a little deeper to fix your problem. Don't you worry, child, Mama Odie will guide you." You felt reassured by her words. Hopefully, things will work out for the best.  

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