Chapter 1: The upcoming event

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Dawn began a brand new day. Folks from all over, rose from their comfy beds and left their homes to either work or play on their musical instruments. In New Orleans, many musicians gathered together on the streets to play their jazzy tunes as people cheered, watching while others danced to the rhythm of the melody.

Cutting into a messy room, you were sleeping like a log up until your alarm clock rangs. Your eyes fluttered open, using your foot to kick the clock off your nightstand. You yawned, stretching your arms. 

"Another day, another dollar," you quote, remembering what your uncle always gave ya for advice. "A fresh morning for me means a sunny and booming day for some cash. I hope the band didn't start yet?" 

You get out of bed, rushing to the window. You can see down below, your fellow bandmates were strolling down the streets by your home as they carried their instruments.
A band member looked up at you. 

"(Y/N)! Yo! Come down here, girl! We got great news!" Her friend calls.

"Just a minute, Margaret!" You reply back before rushing off only to stop and look down at yourself. "I got to really change into something decent." You headed to your wardrobe, finding a sundress (Of your choosing), heading behind the folding screen to get undress before heading to your closet to grab your instrument.
"Hello, handsome~" You cooed to your saxophone. You grabbed the heavy object. "Today, we are making people dance once again as always." 
You marched down the stairs and headed outside.

"C'mon, (Y/N)! Terry needs to tell us something important. I bet it's regarding the upcoming party coming soon." 

"Margaret? That party isn't going to start in another week," you shrugged.

"I know, I know, which is why we are gonna hear about it. You know that it's an important event." 

You giggled, "Of course! I have my saxophone to make these people feel entertained. Margaret? The dance floor will be lit up!"

"Oh? Well, hun? I'd be careful carrying that. You look like you're gonna need help." 

"No way! Like my uncle says, hard work pays off when you do things yourself." 

"Your uncle has the strangest advice. Okay, girl. I'm gonna catch up with the group." Margaret took off, leaving you alone to carry your saxophone.

"Dang it! It can't be too bad. A tuba would have made me- Wait, carry it in something," you looked at your shed. 
Going inside, you found your old wagon you used to play in since you were little. It felt like years from ever looking at that thing again. You placed your saxophone in the wagon before pulling the handle on it and dragging it off. 

You headed down the streets, listening as others played their music. It was getting closer in the main streets that you perform in. 
Folks gathered to dance and sing while other fun performances were out. 

"You gonna make a dashing gentleman with them fine pearly whites ya got on," a top hat man complimented, holding his purple powder in his palm.

His customer takes out a hand mirror, looking at his reflection. His teeth sparkled like a spotless flooring that got cleaned by the most cleanliness of chemicals. 
"Wow! These are truly amazing!" His customer was super satisfied as he gave an extra tip to the man. "People are just going to adore it! Thanks so much, sir!" 

The man chuckles, "It was nice doing' business with ya~" 

You continued to drag the wagon with the saxophone in it. You passed by the table where the top hat gentleman is at. 
He took a glance at you, grinning before clearing his throat and fixing his hat. 
"Bonjour Madame," he greets. "Where ya heading off in such a hurry?" 

You stopped. "I need to get to my band. We are having a meeting before we perform." 

"Sounds fun but not as fun as reading fortunes. You look like a girl who needs her fortune told to her. Get an insight into the future by Dr. Facilier-" he takes out a card to his magic shop. "Perhaps you'll be interested to have a chit chat in my parlor sometime. I'm sure my magic will amaze you." 

You take the card before putting it in your pocket. "I'm flattered, really I am but I need to really get going." You weren't hesitant to leave, no less than to be rude to leave him at his table. 

"Somethin' tells me that we'll be crossing paths again," his shadow on the table gives him a thumb up on that statement.


On the corner of the main street square, your band was already getting their instruments out of their cases. 
Margaret took out her trumpet, twirling it around before her lips smashed onto the mouthpiece. She began to play a quick tune.

"Hey! Not now, Marge!" Terry demanded, putting his hands on his hips with his conducting baton in hand. 

"Sorry, just giving it a test drive." 

"Well, save your breath for it. We need to prepare ourselves for next week." 

The group spots you dragging your saxophone in a wagon. 

"(Y/N), you're finally here! Excellent! Okay, now then. As all of you are aware, the Mardi Gras' Masquerade Ball is coming up. We need to prepare ourselves for a perfect night with perfect, melodious tunes." 

"I swear, Terry needs to lighten up," Margaret whispers to you close. "It's like he is some war general or something for music." 

"I just want to play on my saxophone and get my rhythm on. I don't care if I'm not perfect in his eyes," you whispered back.

"So we got Jared on the drums, Phil on the double bass, Tyrone on the tambourine, Margaret you're on trumpet and (Y/N), you're on the saxophone. Okay, everybody is here! Alrighty, fellas! Let's start from the top. One and a two and a three!" Terry waved his conducting baton in the air, signaling everyone to play. 

You were following along with the chorus, putting your heart into your instrument. Unfortunately, your heart gets too deep into it that you weren't paying attention. You didn't even care at this point. Your tune was off from the rest, you got up in front more, getting your groove on. 

"(Y/N)! What on Earth are you doing?! That isn't part of the group's tone!" Terry dropped his baton.

Your instrument was too loud, your ears were sunken into the music you were playing.

Margaret rolled her eyes, sighing, "Hold on, Terry. Let me get this one." 
Margaret walked up to you, placing her trumpet by you before blowing her trumpet.

You stopped from how loud that blew into your ears. You looked at Margaret, "What was that for?!" You rubbed your ear.

"You know I have to stop you when you get out of key with us. You've been doing that lately. What's up?" 

"I'm sorry, it's just… My heart likes to follow my passion for my own music. I never knew I could play so well solo?"

"Well, if you like to play solo then I suggest you just go. We don't have time for fun and games." 

Everyone was murmuring, some agreeing some not. 

"But you need a saxophone player," you say with worry.

"Not when they choose to not follow the group's number. Listen, (Y/N)? Until you learn to control these musical outbursts, I want you to leave and practice somewhere else." 

You were crushed, looking down with disappointment. You placed your saxophone in the case it was once in before dragging it in your wagon. You walked slow with shame. You never meant to ruin the band's groove. You were just trying to have fun. You understand that this party is important but on an event like that, it should be memorable and enjoyable.

"(Y/N)... I'm sorry," Margaret says with discontent on her face. She never expected her best friend to be banned from the group until she was ready. 

Behind the corner of the wall, Dr. Facilier saw everything and he was intrigued. Seeing you with so much potential, gave him an idea. He looked at his shadow as the two chuckled.

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