Chiron visits

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Will and Nico sat on Nico's bed talking and occasionally avoiding Katie the Fangirl who would come out of nowhere and start... Fangirling. At the sight of Katie Will would stand up and walk away and Nico would pretend to be sleeping. But she would start fangirling to Will.
"Omg so are you guys dating yet? Is my number one OTP canon? Please please please please please!"
"Katie! Please stop. We haven't had a chance to talk about it yet, Nico is always sleeping!" Will lied. 'Am not.' Nico thought. The truth is they had plenty of time to talk, but they avoided the topic.
"Oh come on Will! That's so not true! Pleasepleasepleasepleasetellme!" Katie shouted really fast.
Nico had enough of this pointless argument. "Can you guys shut up!?" Nico yelled as he sat up. they both jumped, forgetting Nico was there. "Glad to know I still have that affect on people." Nico muttered under his breath. Will glared at him, and Nico glared back. Katie was bouncing again, looking back and forth between the two boys.
"Are you dating? Cause if you are, this would be like your first fight. Where's a camera when you need one?" Katie asked.
"KATIE PLEASE STOP!" Nico and Will shouted in unison. Katie looked at the anger on both their faces, and her smile melted. She took a deep shaky breath while closing her eyes. When she opened them, they didn't have a giddy energy anymore, just her calm usual bright eyes.
"Sorry boys. Got carried away. I'll leave you two to actually get a chance to talk." Katie swiftly walked out of the infirmary without another word.
"Schist. Now Katie feels bad." Will plopped down onto his spot in the foot of Nico's bed.
"I didn't mean to yell." Nico said.
"Neither did I. Now I feel bad too. She was just excited about..." Will rubbed the back of his neck as he drifted off.
"Yeah. Maybe you should go find her. Apologize for me." Nico said.
"I can't leave you alone. I don't want to either." Will smiled. Nico could feel his lips curling up too.
"I like your smile Nico. Use it more often, doctors orders." Nico rolled his eyes.
"Okay but come on, no one has been in here for days. You will be gone for like, 10 minutes. I don't think anyone will notice. Just go and talk to Katie." Nico said.
"Will, I've survived two wars and traveling in shadows half way across the world. I think I can stay in an INFIRMARY for 10 minutes by myself." Nico smirked.
"Fine. Your right. Okay, be back in ten." Will turned on his heel and ran out to go find Katie. Now alone, Nico flopped back onto the bed, and hit his head. "Ow!" Nico shot up and rubbed his head. "Holy Hades that hurt!" Nico stood up to look around for some ice. "I know they have ice somewhere, I saw them give a patient some a few days ago." Nico walked around to the back of the infirmary. A white box in the corner caught Nico's attention. He turned to see a mini-fridge sized freezer. he walked up to it and tugged the handle. The door swung open to reveal ice in little coloured baggies. "Oh how nice." Nico rolled his eyes and grabbed a yellow one with little suns on it. It reminded Nico of Will.
Nico walked back to his bed holding the ice pack on his head.
"Now I have a headache. Ugh."
After a few minutes of the throbbing, a voice interrupted the pain.
"I see you are feeling better, Mr. Di Angelo." Nico turned to see Chiron standing in the doorway of the infirmary.
"Oh, hey Chiron. Yeah I guess so."
"That's good. When will you be back to training?"
"Um, I don't know. Will said a few more days after the accident with the- oh. Um... Sorry about the harpies, Chiron." Nico could almost feel the sweat on his forehead. Chiron just watched him, not saying anything else. Finally, Chiron continued.
"Where's your Apollo camper? There is always supposed to one in here with a patient."
"Oh um, Will just had to do something. He wanted to stay but I convinced him to go. It was really important. He should be back any minute now."
"I see. Would you tell him-"
"Not need to Chiron. Here he comes." Nico interrupted as he pointed at Will running back into the infirmary.
"Hey Nico, I talked to katie- oh uh, hey Chiron. Um... What's up?" Will asked suddenly extremely nervous. He walked up to them with his hands fidgeting with each other.
"Nothing. I was asked by one of your cabin mates to check on you. They were worried about you since you spend almost all your time in the infirmary, day and night." Chiron said looking from Will to Nico and then back to Will.
"Oh that's just because, um, as the head councillor of the Apollo cabin, I felt I should, uh, take most of the shifts, to you know, um, let everyone else have a break. Yeah. Might I ask who? Katie?"
"No, Jerry. And that's very responsible of you. But I suggest taking a break. You go ahead and get some rest. I will find someone else to keep Nico company." Chiron said as he started pushing Will out.
"Oh no thank you Chiron really, but I'm good. I think I will stay with Nico?" Will asked as he was lead to the door.
"No no Will. Go on now. If you insist on staying up, maybe go find Percy to sword fight with, or teach an archery lesson."
"Good bye Will." And with that, Chiron sent Will away. He turned to look at Nico, who was still in bed with his ice pack on his head, nodded, then said, "I will send somebody to stay with you." And walked out.
"Oookaaayyyy. That was weird." Nico said as he lay back down.

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