Long Lasting Awkward Moment

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Percy and Calypso stared at each other, both with their mouths hanging open. Out of the corner of his eye, Nico could see Annabeth's jaw clenched tight and her hands in fists at her sides. Everything was deadly quiet, no one moved, not even the ring of campers surrounding them had inched closer like they had been doing since Leo introduced Calypso.
Nico had to admit, calypso was quite beautiful. Her long caramel hair was braided down her back and she had big brown eyes. She was wearing an Ancient Greek styled dress, yet with a modern twist in the design. She smelled like a mix of vanilla and cinnamon.
And that's when Nico realized, this was the girl riding Festus in his dream.
Chiron cleared his throat before saying, "Percy, I believe you remember Calypso?" Percy nodded before snapping out of his staring contest with Calypso.
"Uh, um, h-hi Cal-Calypso." Percy stuttered. Nico bit his lip trying not to laugh.
"Hi Percy." Calypso said kindly and smoothly, unlike Percy's stuttering. Suddenly a voice from festus's head interrupted everyone.
"Oh yeah, I totally forgot Percy already knows Calypso! Your welcome for bringing a long lost friend back Dude!" Leo chirped. He was laying on his stomach on the top of festus's head with his arms crossed in front of him and his feet in the air. His jaw and cheek was swollen but Leo couldn't have looked happier.
"You woke up?" Will asked, looking astonished. "Piper almost gave you a concussion with one punch!" Leo looked to Will and smirked.
"Dude, I died and came back. I defied Hades! Uh, no offence, your gloominess." Leo added looking to the ground. After a moment of checking that the world wasn't going to crack open and swallow him, Leo continued. "Plus I still need to know why you guys are covered in blue mud and confetti. Wait, don't tell me, Travis and Conner wanted to do a prank and you guys were involved. At least Percy was, which is why the mud is blue. And Nico and Will by far got the worst of it, and the confetti is rainbow, so..." He drifted off taping his chin with his finger. Everyone stared at him, waiting for his answer. He gasped and smiled the biggest elf grin Nico had ever seen. He had a mischievous glint in his eye, and Nico knew he figured it out.
"OH MY GODS THERE WAS AN OPERATION SOLANGELO! Yes! That's gotta be it. That would explain the rainbow confetti, nice touch boys," Leo winked at Conner and Travis before continuing, "and then there was a group hug. Right?" Everyone stared at him. Everyone who knew about why they were covered in blue mud and rainbow confetti gawked at him.
"You got all that, from how we were covered in mud?!" Frank asked. Leo sat up on festus's head and smirked.
"Well duh, I'm the prank king. Same way your the animal king, Nico's the ghost king, Hazel's the gem queen, Percy's the seaweed king-"
"Hey!" Percy whined but Leo just waved him off and continued. "Jason's the superman king, Piper's the beauty queen, Annabeth's the wise queen, the twins are the twin kings, Will is the doctor king, and Katie's the fangirl queen. I got titles for everyone, you know." Everyone continued to stare at him. He sighed.
"Guys, I know I'm fabulous, but can the whole camp stop staring at me?"
"Uh, yes. Will, please take Leo to the uh, the infirmary." Chiron said before turning around to everyone else. "Alright everyone. Get back to your activities, and no intrusions in the infirmary. I'm sure Leo will clear everything up at dinner." As Chiron started shooing everyone away, the group walking in silence towards the infirmary.

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