Hell Hole

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Nico followed the "Doctor's orders" and lay in a bed in the infirmary. Doing nothing but listening to the hushed voices of the Apollo kids talking to their patients and counting the amount of times Will came to check on him.
Nico didn't mind that part.
He mentally slapped himself for it.
"How you feeling now?" Will had reappeared at Nico's bedside. "The same as when you asked ten minutes ago. He glared at Will. "Fine."
"I don't believe you. You are just trying to look tough." He began taking Nico's temperature, again. What was it with this guy? He payed twice as much attention to Nico as he did any other patients.
Nico felt the skeleton butterflies in his stomach as he realized Will was staring at him. He lost his train of thought as he met Will's eyes in an accidental staring contest. Will seemed to drift back into reality and broke his gaze. Again Nico mentally slapped himself for getting lost in the other boy's eyes.
They both hastily looked the other way.
"You should try for some sleep. It'll help." Will stood slowly looking at Nico like, 'Promise me?'
Will started another round through the infirmary.
Nico hesitantly closed his eyes. Maybe the time would pass quicker. 'Only two and a half more days left in this hell hole.'
He stopped himself. He'd been in Tartarus. That was the real hell hole. The underworld seemed like a walk in the park compared to that place. Nico promised himself to never use that term again.
Before Nico had the time to react, Festus the dragon flew right through him. He spun a 360 from the violent rush that didn't hurt at all. He was floating somewhere in a clouded sky.
'I'm dreaming,' He thought.
Nico looked at Festus flying away. A pang of sadness flooded inside Nico. 'Leo,' he thought.
But as Festus grew smaller in the distance, a girl was riding him. She had long, caramel-coloured hair tied into a braid following her spine. She was holding onto someone in front of her, but Nico couldn't see who or any features in the distance except dark, slightly curly hair. A boy, Nico decided. A wave of hope overtook Nico. If Festus survived...
No. He felt Leo die.
Suddenly the clouded sky turned into a beautiful blue. A warm yellow glow behind him shocked Nico. The feeling reminded him of someone. He turned to see to see the sun.
The giant ball of fire seemed ridiculously close. It's rays seemed aimed strait at Nico. He suddenly longed for the shadows to hide him from the light.
The sun started getting larger. It was moving towards him. Or was he moving towards the sun?
Either way, soon Nico was engulfed in light.

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