On a Mission

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"Nico can you please tell me what you're doing?" Will asked as he and Nico reached the beach.
"No it's what we're doing. And we are going to find out why Gracie was in the forest, by herself." Nico stated, scanning the beach. Nico finally saw them having a picnic facing the ocean. He grabbed Will's hand and pulled him after him.
"Alright lovebirds pack up your picnic we have a mission." Nico said interrupting their conversation.
"What? Why? Has there been another prophecy from Rachel? Does she have her powers back?" Percy asked, immediately on his feet.
"What? No, not yet. Come on, let's go, let's go!" Nico snapped as he started throwing things into their picnic basket.
"Will, what's Nico talking about?" Annabeth asked.
"Uh... Well you might have heard, there was a Demeter girl attacked in the forest this morning..." Will drifted off. The warm, sunny beach suddenly felt like it was under an icy shadow of a cloud, blocking out the warmth of the sun.
"Nico..." Will's voice echoed through Nico's head, but he wasn't listening. His whole body had tensed and Nico's emotions were spiking. How could Will talk about Gracie dying as if it was some juicy gossip spread around camp? Why was Nico so affected by Gracie, when he was the son of the God of death?
Strong arms wrapped around Nico, making him tense and ready himself to kill whoever or whatever was touching him, when he realized he had already melted into the embrace. The freezing shadow lifted off the beach as Nico looked up at Will's deep blue eyes and instantly felt safe and happy.
"I don't think I've ever seen anyone calm Nico down that fast, not Hazel, not even Bianca." Percy loudly whispered to Annabeth.
"No shit, seaweed brain." Annabeth said without even bothering to whisper.
"You okay, Nico?" Will asked softly. Nico nodded before pulling out of the hug.
"Thanks Will." Nico whispered before turning back to Percy and Annabeth. "Hey, we still have a mission to complete."
They started their way back to the infirmary, and Nico distinctly heard Percy whisper to Annabeth from behind him and Will, "Remember when we first met Nico, and when after Bianca... No one could even talk to him, let alone touch him? And now look." Nico looked down to his hand clasped in Will's. He smiled to himself before setting his eyes on the infirmary once again.
Piper and Jason were waiting by the front entrance by the time they got to the infirmary.
"Nico, can you tell us what this 'mission' is now?" Annabeth asked, crossing her arms.
"This morning, a thirteen year old Demeter camper named Gracie died because she was in the forest alone when a monster attacked her. We are going to find out why she was alone in there, and what monster killed her." Nico stated bluntly. They all stared at him.
"That's what's got you all worked up?" Piper asked quietly. Nico looked at her accusingly.
"'that's what's got you all worked up?' Huh? Yeah, it is. She's dead now, her soul now belongs to my father, and I'm sorry for giving a damn as to why!" Nico fumed.
"Nico, we're demigods. We don't live that long. Plus your the son of Hades. Shouldn't you be used to death by now?" Jason asked.
"Oh so we all just drop dead, do we? No, we don't. Monsters kill us, and we are supposed to kill monsters. And because I'm the son of Hades, that means I just like death? Reality check, I HATE IT. I hate it with a passion, because it separates family and friends, causes pain to everyone involved, and over all isn't a pleasant experience, during and after. So sorry for not being the stereotype you expect me to be!" Nico's chest was heaving and his fists were clenched tight by his sides. Waves of darkness were rolling off him and he was sure there was steam coming out of his ears.
"Nico, take a deep breath. That's not what they meant. Please, just calm down, okay?" Will cautiously stepped forward, and the darkness from Nico seemed to be battling with the rays of light Will gave off. Nico instantly stopped, realizing he let his emotions go again. Will pulled him into a tight hug before pulling away to arms length, his hands firmly on Nico's shoulders, and Will looked Nico in the eye and said, "if it's important to you, it's important to us. We're going to find out what happened to Gracie."

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