Thank You!

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I am so happy you are actually reading this. Like, you survived. Wow. You are beautiful. You are amazing. YOU SHIP SOLANGELO AS HARD AS I DO! But thank you for all your encouragement and comments, and just, wow. I didn't have a plan for this story at all, it wasn't until like half way that I planned how to tie it up. Haha that's how I work I guess. Shout out to @lolyikess bc they were the first to read my last chapter and totally called how it would end. Also @pandanova bc they actually posted about my story on their fan account, which was really cool! So anyways, I bow in thanks to all you wonderful beings, but I'm tired and I started writing the last chapter at midnight and finished at like 1:30 am so have a wonderful week, lovelies. And again, SOLANGELO FOR LIFE AM I RIGHT?!


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