Wants and needs

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"Do I have to stay in the infirmary?" Nico whined as he and Will entered the infirmary.
"Yes. You need to be monitored by an Apollo camper 24/7."
"But can't I just stay in my cabin and just like, pop in every hour or something? Please?"
"Pretty please?" Nico begged. He did not want to spend another night in this place. Especially now that it's once again busy.
"No." Will shook his head and crossed his arms. Well, there was one more thing Nico could try.
"Super duper please?" Nico gave Will an impression of a lost puppy. Will squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head again. After a moment of silence, he cracked one eye open to see Nico giving him the same look. Will promptly shut his eyes tight again.
"What are you two doing?" Katie had bounced out of nowhere and smiled at the situation.
"Nico wants to stay in his own cabin instead of the infirmary but I'm trying to explain that he needs to be watched by an Apollo camper 24/7." Will said, still refusing to open his eyes.
Nico looked to Katie for support but she just shrugged and cocked her head to the side.
"He's right. All patients being treated in the infirmary must be supervised at all times. Camp rules." Nico's shoulders sagged. "But," Katie said with a wicked smile. "You can go wherever you want, as long as there's a Apollo camper with you."
"What are you saying?" Nico asked.
"Well, you can literally go anywhere in camp as long as someone is with you, AKA our general Will, most likely. Soooooo..." Katie drifted off as she pretended to look at her nails while she let the boys figure our what she was trying to say.
"So if I wanted to sleep in my own cabin..." Nico pondered. His eyes widened.
"No." Will said. Nico was relieved for a moment, but then got really confused. Did Will actually say that?
Katie made a noise somewhere between a tsk and a ugh. "Aww Will why not?" Will glared at Katie and shadows seemed to cross his face, making him look unusually threatening.
"Because this needs to stop." Nico felt his face go pale as he took a step back from Will. "W-Will..." Nico whispered. Will ignored Nico and stared at Katie, who had almost gone as pale as Nico on an average day.
"You and the Apollo cabin -and don't even get me started on Leo- need to stop with all this fangirling and fanboying. Not only is it rude but it makes Nico feel uncomfortable! Not to mention it's really annoying for me too! It gets in the way when I'm trying to help patients and whenever me and Nico are together, we can't get any alone time because someone is always bothering us and teasing us! We never get any privacy and this 'general' and 'commander' stuff is absolutely absurd! You can do whatever you want, scream and jump and-and... and whatever as long as it's not around me or Nico!" Will bared down over Katie who was trying to shrink from existence by the looks of it.
"Will, I-I'm sorry, I didn't know-"
"Yeah, you didn't. Come on Nico." Will turned swiftly and stormed away, dragging Nico away with him. Nico staggered along, staring uncomprehendingly at his boyfriend. Will said that to his own sister for Nico's sake.
Will dragged Nico across the ring of cabins and headed straight for the Hades cabin. He threw the door open and pulled Nico inside, slamming the door on Nico's heels. Only then did Will finally release Nico's wrist from the death grip.
"Wow Will, death grip on the wrist twice in one day." Nico sighed as he rubbed his wrist. Will had his back to Nico and was facing the door. Will remained silent. "And ignored, again. Yeesh." Nico muttered under his breath.
"Sorry Nico." Will voice came out quiet and cracked.
"It's okay, Will. Are you okay?" Nico hesitantly stepped up to Will until he was directly behind him.
"I'm sorry my siblings are so crazy. I love them to bits but this is ridiculous and I know you don't like it. If only I could give you a peaceful relationship..." Nico cracked a smile but leaned forward and laced his arms around Will so he was hugging him from behind. Nico stayed silent, but finally cracked, and let out a laugh. Not a little one, But a huge, gasping for air, joyous laugh, one like Nico hadn't had in a long, long time. Will twisted around to face Nico and put his arms around the other boy, so they were holding each other.
Will looked down at Nico confusedly. "Why in Hades are you laughing?" Nico took a deep breath and tried to calm down.
"Because," Nico reached up and pecked Will on the lips. "We're halfbloods. We don't know the meaning of a peaceful life. And I'm a son of Hades, which usually means I don't know what it's like to be happy." Nico kissed Will again to keep him from interrupting. "But, with you sunshine, it's about as good as it could get. And I couldn't be happier then here, with you."
"Neeks I-"
"You know what? I don't mind the fangirling. It makes me feel... wanted. Loved. By someone else than just you." Will smiled and bent down to Nico. After they broke apart, Nico continued, "now you, have to go apologize to Katie." Without another word, Nico reached around Will, opened the door, and pushed Will out. After watching Will walk off a little, Nico closed the door and flopped on his bed.

Finally. His own bed.


Okay, so whenever I look at Wattpad notifications, it's usually a reader voting for my story, which puts me over the moon. Seriously, I love you guys. But is it wrong that the first thought that comes to mind when I see that is literally:

"Yes, yes. Another has fallen into my trap..."

Anyways hope y'all having a good week and I'm already working on the next chapter so I should get back in the habit of posting more often!!!

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