Explain Yourself

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Nico sat on his bed while Will checked Calypso and Leo for any injuries on the bed beside Nico. Everyone else ether sat on the beds beside his or Leo's. Calypso was fine but Will was determined to keep Leo in the infirmary for a couple of days, because he had died. But Nico was okay with it, since he was stuck too. Life in the infirmary was suddenly very interesting.
"Sooooooooo... Is Solangelo cannon yet?!" Leo asked as Will sat down on the foot of Nico's bed. Nico looked down and he could tell Will was blushing.
"Not so fast. You neede to explain why your not dead!" Piper was on her own personal emotional roller coaster, being angry, happy, sad and frustrated at the same time. She was currently curled up in Jason's arms.
Leo stretched his arm around Calypso and pulled her close before asking, "Where do I start?"
"Start with how you know Calypso, how Percy knows Calypso, and your relationship with her." Katie said. They all looked at her. "What? Tell me you don't want to know."
"Okay, so, remember on the Argo 2, when Piper fought queen frostb*tch by herself because I had disappeared and everyone else was frozen? Well, I was sent to Calypso's island."
"Dude! That's where you disappeared to? No way. I thought Calypso only got heroes every few hundreds of years! Uh, no offence, Calypso." Percy looked ashamed as he hid behind Annabeth. "Please don't curse me again." He whispered. Calypso smiled sadly, watching Percy hide from her. Annabeth was looking back and forth between them worriedly.
"I'm so sorry for putting that on you Percy. I was mad and heartbroken. Please forgive me." Calypso pleaded. Percy poked his head out from behind Annabeth.
"Only if you forgive me." He stated. She smiled and nodded. Percy beamed.
"Okay, congrats and everything, now explain." Travis asked.
"Well, remember when Percy disappeared after blowing up a mountain full of monsters and we all thought he was dead?" Annabeth asked. She seemed to have relaxed since Calypso and Percy forgave each other. Nico, Katie, Will, Travis and Conner all nodded. Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank and even Leo looked confused.
"When did you die? I thought I was the only one to come back from the dead." Leo pouted. Calypso rolled her eyes.
"You are. At least I think so, and I've lived for thousands of years, so I've heard lots. But Percy didn't die, he was sent to my island. I helped him recover, but he was eager to get back to Annabeth." Calypso smiled at Percy and Annabeth who both blushed.
"Wait, how old are you?" Conner asked.
"As old as the gods." Calypso said as if she was talking about what she had for breakfast.
"That's right! My girlfriend is immortal! Well, was. As soon as I landed on her island for the second time, her curse was broken, along with her immortality." Leo chirped talking normally, like having an immortal girlfriend who was cursed for who knows how long was like taking your hellhound for a walk.
"You were cursed?" Hazel asked. "Why?" Calypso's eyes darkened with sadness. She leaned into Leo without responding. Leo took over. "Her dad was, uh, is, Atlas. She supported him in the first Titan war. But only cause he's family!" He quickly added on. "I promise she's not evil."
"He never was family." Calypso muttered. After a moment of silence, Conner came to the rescue.
"Okay, we know who Calypso is, how both you and Percy know her, and your relationship with her. But how did a girl like Calypso fall for a guy like..." He gestured to Leo, who did not look impressed. "That." He finished.
"Hey! Leo could have any girl he wanted! Well, except the girls who rejected him..." Jason drifted off thinking and counting on his fingers. The amount of girls Leo's been rejected by, Nico guessed. Calypso shrugged. "I was determined not to fall for him, that was for sure. But only the men worthy of my heart find my island. But they always have something-or someone-" calypso's eyes flicked to Percy and Annabeth. "That they need to get back to. I couldn't leave my island ether. That was my punishment. But then Leo defied the curse by landing on my island the second time, and it broke, so I could go with Leo!"
"Awwwwe!" Piper and Katie cooed.
"Well, that's awesome and everything, but I have another question." Will stated. "How are you... Here? I mean, both Hazel and Nico felt you... Felt the fates cut your string."
"Guys, put two and two together! I disappeared with the ship. Festus," Leo gestured to Festus, who was peaking through the window trying to hear the conversation. "Was part of the ship. Festus is my dragon, so he's automatically awesome. I'm a genius, so I rebuilt his body in the ship and gave him the physician's cure to give me when I died. Then I found Calypso's island again, because I'm fabulous."
"OH MY GODS LEO IS A GENIUS!" Percy screamed.
"OH MY GODS Percy shut up." Nico snapped. Everyone looked to him, forgetting he was there because he hadn't taken part in the conversation. But he was to busy thinking about his first dream to care. It all made sense now...
"Okay, my turn to ask questions. IS SOLANGELO CANNON?" Leo screamed.
"Wait, how did you know about operation Solangelo?" Travis asked.
"Bitch, please. I was shipping Solangelo since I first met Nico. I remembered Will from camp and BOOM! Solangelo. NOW. TELL. ME." Leo demanded.
"You were shipping us from the moment you met Nico?!" Will asked. Leo's hair caught on fire as he ran his hands through it frustratedly. He quickly put it out before saying, "FOR THE LOVE OF HESTIA. ARE. YOU. DATING?" Everyone fell quiet. Nico felt all eyes on him as he looked at Will, only to see him looking nervously at Nico. Since when was this 'Nico's word goes'?
Nico felt the world fade away as he looked into Will's deep, blue eyes. He couldn't live without those eyes...
"Yes." Nico stated firmly. Everyone sighed in relief, Festus blew fire into the sky, Leo started whooping, Calypso looked extremely confused, and Will smiled so big he started glowing and temporarily out shining the sun.
"WILL HOW COME YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOU COULD GLOW?!" Percy shouted. Katie walked up to Will and slapped him across the face, and the light switched off.
"Sorry..." Will blushed. "Children of Apollo glow when they are at one of their happiest moments in their lives..." A moment of silence drifted through the infirmary, before everyone burst into laughter. While everyone was trying to breath again, Nico crawled over to Will and gave him a hug. As soon as Nico wrapped his arms around Will, he squeezed tight and didn't let go. Will wrapped his arms around Nico, keeping him close.
They were interrupted when Katie screamed. Nico immediately tensed as he let go of Will and got ready to jump at whatever was attacking Katie. Nico felt the tension in the room and knew everyone else was too. But the only thing that seemed to be attacking her were a bunch of invisible bugs because she was flapping her hands around again and jumping up and down, still screaming.
"Katie! What's wrong?!" Will shouted.
"OTP! OTP, OTP, OTP, OTP! FINALLY CANNON! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!" She squealed. Leo jumped out of bed and started doing what Katie was doing. "OMG I KNOW! SOLANGELO FOR LIFE!!" He fangirled. Everyone just rolled their eyes and laughed.
Calypso's voice cut through the squeals and laughter. "Um, can someone explain what is happening to Leo? Please?" Yeah, staying in the infirmary with a boyfriend and someone like Leo around suddenly wasn't so bad.

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