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August 27, 2014

Music Inspiration
Sam Smith- I've Told You Know
Jessie J- Fire

The temperature a scorching ninety three degrees, Katherines fingers intertwined with Adam. He guides her down the sidewalk. Politely excusing themselves as they pass a group of people waiting for the bus to arrive. They stand at the same corner waiting for the no walking sign to turn. And she notices how anxious he's becoming. With his parents arriving late last night from Florida, unexpected. It was bound to happen that he'd get this way.

"Adam would please slow down". She tightens her grip once they start moving again. High heels clicking against the pavement.

"I'm sorry baby but we're gonna be late. And you know how my mother gets when she has to wait for people? That also includes me"

"I know but these shoes aren't exactly made for running in"

"It's just right around the corner". He points and she clutches her purse tighter against her side.

"Seriously, the reason they're here can't be that bad. They usually come to the house when somethings wrong"

"You make it sound like you know something. Do you?"

"I don't"

"Look all I know is that you gotta be prepared for anything whenever they come to town". He reminds her, fixing the front of his hair as they pass a store front window. His attention quickly scanning the streets. "Good, I don't see their car"

The ac from the entrance immediately cooling her off, Adam takes it upon himself to request a table. While Katherine takes this time to check her phone to no missed calls or texts. And after a couple of minutes that they're waiting they follow the host to their table. Their waiter soon happily approaching them.

"Welcome to Café Luxembourg. My name is Paul, I'll be your waiter today. I can get you started with drinks if you're ready"

"Actually can we just get waters for now? We're still waiting for the other people to arrive"

"Of course. I'll be right back with those". Paul leaves for the bar. And immediately Katherine looks down watching Adam frantically fix the placement of their silverware.

"Jesus, calm down". She tells him again. Resting her hand over top of his. Listening to him breathe out, before stretching his neck from side to side. "Your parents were the ones who decided to eat here, remember. I'm sure you don't have to move things around for them"

"Yea you're right, you're right". He nods twice. Quickly looking back and forth from the window. "So what did your boss say when you took off last minute?"

"Nothing, I just switched my schedule". Briefly Katherine looks at the waiter as he returns with their waters. "So you haven't spoke to your dad at all? You have absolutely no idea what this whole pop up could be about?"

"I kept calling but it just kept going straight to his voicemail. So your guess is as good as mine to be honest"

"Oh well blindly walking in to a conversation with your parents. I guess I should properly prepare myself"

"What are you talking about?". Confused, Adam takes a sip of his drink, leaning back.

"Your mother, that is what I'm talking about. I mean I understand why you're acting fidgety. You're her little pride and joy she's over protective with you. But me on the other hand, I'm not one of her favorites"

"That's not true. My parents love you"

"Ok". Sarcastically she frowns raising her brows.

"What was that? Ok"  He mocks. "You don't think they love you?"

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