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If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?

wild by Jessie J

If you were a box of cereal, what would you be and why?

Shreddies, because they are layered like me

You're a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?

I would be red because I'm tenacious and red can symbolise that

Why did you choose your username?

My middle name is phebian and when I was in secondary school, phebsta was my nickname. 5 is my favourite number because I was born on the 5th, hence phebsta05

What's your nationality?
I'm British

What's a tip you'd like to give?

Never give up hope, things will get better

Why should people follow you?

Because I follow back, I genuinely read work and comment

What is your favorite quote?

'Grow your own corn' (my husband)

Randomness you'd like to share?

I' m 30 and still don't know what I want to be when I grow up

What's the genre you favor writing in?

I like general fiction and romance

To read?

I like reading thrillers and romance

Hair color?


Favorite story off Wattpad?

I need a hero by WorldsInsideMyHead

What do you think when I say allons-y?

Onions- I dunno, maybe cause they sound similar?

How many languages do you know?

1 fluently- english. I understand Yoruba cause that's my parent's language

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