8. butterfly wings~owl city

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8. butterfly wings~owl city

Eren's POV

A tranquil morning transitioned into a quiet afternoon, and as I watched Armin, paging through his favorite novel with a content expression on his face, I realized that I still had a promise to fulfill to him.

"Hey Armin," I sang, from my place, sitting across from him on his bed.

"Yes?" He glanced up, a tiny smile tugging at his lips.

"Let's go get frozen yogurt!"

He quirked an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Um...for your birthday, remember? I said I would take you somewhere."

Armin's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot!" He giggled nervously. "Um...okay, let's go then!"

However random it was that we were going to get a cold treat on a cold winter day, the two of us notified Armin's grandfather of our plans to go out and made our way to Armin's car. I would be lying if I had said I wasn't excited to go somewhere with Armin outside of tutoring and his house.

Armin seemed excited too, gushing about how he hadn't been to this place yet, since he hadn't really had a reason to go, but he was glad he had someone to go with.

Pulling up in the parking lot, I could peer inside and see that the inside of the shop had a vast wall with tons of flavors stretching around the expanse of the back, and tables littering the center. Armin gasped. "Whoa, this is huge! I've never even seen the inside!" I nodded my agreement, grinning at his reaction. We exited the car, Armin trudging along in his pale pink skinny jeans, black converse, and cherry red winter coat, beginning to talk quickly. I followed wordlessly, smiling to myself.

Inside, Armin went insane on frozen yogurt. He dashed from flavor to flavor, ending up filling up his cup with five different flavors and at least ten different toppings until it was almost overflowing.

When he saw my gaping face upon witnessing this, he laughed, only slightly embarrassed.

"Yeah, I don't eat all that much but I guess I really like sweets," he remarked, grinning down at his creation. "It's kind of creepy, I know."

I laughed good-naturedly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It is a little terrifying, I have to admit." Armin joined in on my laughter then, and I was just happy to have succeeded in making him laugh around a time that he had initially never wanted to.

Heading up to the register once I had gotten my own, the smiling man directed us to weigh our cups to calculate the cost based on how much their weight was. Mine was much less than Armin's, of course, which allowed me to tease him a bit more about it.

"Are you two paying together, or separate?" the cashier asked, once we had established the prices. Before Armin had a chance to answer, I spoke, "Together," and fished around in my pocket for the ten Mikasa had given me earlier that week. Even though using it would mean I wouldn't be able to buy anything else for the remainder of the week, it was for Armin, and honestly, he was what was most important at the moment.

"W-wait, Eren, you don't have to do that," Armin protested, grabbing my wrist before I could hand over the money.

I turned to him momentarily, dismissing his anxious expression and questioning blue eyes. "Armin, this is for your birthday," I reminded him. "Don't worry about it."

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