5. i wanna be yours~arctic monkeys

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5. i wanna be yours~arctic monkeys

Eren's POV

Seeing Armin the following Wednesday reminded me of my embarrassing meltdown the week before, and of the kiss I had given him, no matter how small, which already had my heart racing. When I approached our usual table, he smiled and waved more enthusiastically than ever before, and my heart struggled to break free of the cage that was my ribs.

Standing before Armin, I found my mind wandering to thoughts of Armin's mouth, Armin's mouth on my mouth, Armin kissing me, Armin, Armin, Armin...I snapped out of it as I sank shamefully down into my chair, flustered at the prospect of my daydream.

"I see you're feeling one hundred percent," I greeted him, grinning awkwardly.

"Well, not exactly one hundred," Armin replied with a shy smile. "More like...eighty-five." His voice still had some leftover raspiness from his illness the previous week, and he still had a cough. He had missed school again that Friday, too, and had called me in a panic.

"I-I've never missed three days in a row before," he had told me, over the phone. "I have two tests to make up!"

Despite his initial panic, I had been able to calm him, and it was nice to have a long conversation with him outside of the realm of schoolwork. He was so fun to talk to.

I laughed. "Damn. That messed you up bad. Well, it's a good thing you're better, 'cause I can't do this school thing on my own."

Armin's smile melted into the rare, charming one I was fond of. "I know, but you're getting there." He leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Hey, I want to ask you something."

Nervousness washed over me. "Go ahead," I said hesitantly, and the blonde leaned back in his seat slightly, bringing his excitement down a few notches.

He bit his lip shyly, wringing out his hands. His gaze flickered down to the table, and I could tell he was equally as nervous.

"Well...um, if you want, like, do you want to...maybe...um, come over this weekend?"

My mouth could have dropped open, I was so astonished. Armin was biting his lip in the cutest way imaginable, his eyes wide and hopeful.

"We-we can, like, watch movies, or something, and my grandpa can cook you dinner, and like—I don't know, I mean, I was just wondering..."

I ran a hand through my hair, finding it hard to look at him suddenly.

"Whatever, I mean—yeah, that would be pretty cool I guess," I mumbled, directing an anxious smile down towards the floor. I was getting very used to staring at the library's purple carpet with its tacky green designs. "So...I'll just show up whenever?"

"Maybe like...Saturday afternoon? If that works. I'm free all weekend, so." Armin giggled nervously, adjusting his glasses and tucking away loose strands of blonde hair.

"Yeah, so am I. I'll probably be there."

• • •

Despite my noncommittal words, I couldn't stop smiling when I arrived home, bumping into Mikasa as she headed out of her room and I headed into mine.

"What's got you so happy?" she quizzed, eyebrows raised as her stoic expression transformed into one of curiosity.

"Nothing," I said defensively, allowing myself to scowl. She sighed, shaking her head.

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