29. i like that~janelle monáe

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A/N~art at the top by horreurscopes on tumblr !! i just thought it was super pretty and also a good image of armin's short hair hehehe

second to last chapter y'all! then this will be complete, fully edited! it's been such a fun journey :'^) anyways enjoy!!

29. i like that~janelle monáe

Armin's POV

Three days passed, and Eren took up temporary residence with my grandfather and me. He had negotiated with his landlord and postponed his move-in date to late July instead of early June, having no reason to rush anymore. I was more content than I could ever be to wake up next to him again, sunshine and summer breezes filtering in through my window.

That particular morning, Zelda and I were perched atop the kitchen counter, watching Eren and my grandfather at the stove. My grandfather was carefully walking him through the steps of making a stew full of beef and veggies. Eren held a large knife, wavering slightly as he chopped butternut squash, and my grandfather was holding his hand steady. The kitchen was full of its heavenly aroma as a giant pot simmered with the ingredients, and my heart was just as full of love for the two men in front of me.

The ringing of the doorbell brought me out of my reverie. "I'll get it," I announced, not wanting to interrupt their focus. Zelda followed behind me, light on her feet, as I peered through the peephole and discovered Mikasa on our stoop.

I opened the door for her instantly, greeted by her kind eyes as she held a box of miscellaneous items. "Hello Armin," Mikasa said, flicking ebony hair out of her eyes and pulling down her red scarf to reveal a smile.

"Hi Mikasa! What's up?" I replied, gesturing to the box in her hands. I had a much higher comfort level around her now. She had a good heart, and more love for Eren than she could contain.

A month prior, we'd had a clandestine rendezvous at a nearby park so that she could give me a ticket to Eren's graduation. "I understand why Eren breaking up with you is such a devastating loss," Mikasa had said, fists clutched loosely in the fabric of her skirt. "I mean, beyond the fact that he's Eren, and he was your boyfriend...I know what it's like, to only have one person you're close to. I only have one close friend. Her name is Annie. I'm not great at social relationships because I'm autistic, so I only really have Annie. So like. I would be so sad too, if I couldn't talk to her. So I get you."

Ever since then, I felt connected to her. Ever since then, we were something of friends. So, standing on my doorstep that morning in my pajamas, I didn't feel scrutinized under her measured gaze the way I had before.

"I have some of Eren's stuff." Mikasa pushed the box towards me. "I figured I should start bringing it over sooner rather than later so Carla can stop bitching about her 'dead son.' And make sure you tell him that Jean bought him a new phone. It's at the bottom because Jean wanted it to be a surprise. But I know my brother, and he definitely won't go through this box until the day before he moves." I laughed at this, nodding at her instructions.

"Want to come in? Eren's getting a cooking lesson," I informed her, to which she snorted and immediately stepped inside.

"I definitely wanna see that," Mikasa answered, slipping off her purple sneakers and padding off to the kitchen in her knee high socks.

"'Kasa!" Eren exclaimed joyfully, dropping the spoon he was using to stir and bear hugging Mikasa. She pulled away after a few moments of returning his hug tightly, examining his face like they had been apart for months. "Hi Mr. Arlert," she greeted my grandfather, who grinned and welcomed her back. There was a story there, I was sure of it, but I didn't have time to analyze what it was. Mikasa was unearthing a crumpled piece of paper from the depths of her skirt, pushing it into Eren's palm.

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