20. space oddity~david bowie

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A/N~i'm sexually attracted to space

20. space oddity~david bowie

Eren's POV

Tumultuous dreams blended into one another, jerking me awake and tossing me back asleep. My mom's furious screaming echoed in my mind, combined with the piercing, distant eyes of my father, Mikasa's crimson scarf whipping in the wind.

I startled awake with a gasp, sweat beading on my brow. Reaching out aimlessly for Armin, I was met with an empty indentation where he had been. I sat up, letting my eyes adjust to the dim light of the room, the blinds drawn but sunlight filtering through in soft patches.

There was a weird, indescribable feeling in my chest, one I always got when I slept well into the afternoon. It was oddly nostalgic, reminding me of the vague feeling of being a little kid, falling asleep on the sunlit couch in the middle of the day and waking up alone, watching the clouds drift lazily across the sky through the big window.

"Armin!" I called at the top of my lungs, my voice breaking with hoarseness. I had no idea what time it was, my mind still a haze from the distant threads of my dreams.

A minute later, there were footsteps heading towards the door, and Mr. Arlert peeked in.

"Hello Eren, did you sleep well?" the man asked me, stormy blue eyes full of kindness. I nodded, and he went on. "Armin's at school. He should be home by two-forty-five, or three at the latest. It's one now. In regards to school, I called Shinganshina High and told them you were feeling ill and couldn't make it today. I also put myself down as an emergency contact, if that's okay. Oh, and if you would like to shower, the clothes you brought last night are dry now."

The gestures were small, ordinary to people used to basic acts of unconditional love, but everything he had done for me made a lump of emotion form in my throat. How could I thank him in a way that translated how much his kindness meant to me? "Thanks Mr. Arlert," I simply said, smiling wide. "Means a lot."

"Of course, Eren! Anytime." The old man smiled back. "Let me know if you need anything else. I'll be around until Armin gets back." He shut the door, and I was left in silence once again.

I found my clothes in a laundry basket across the room, grabbing a black long-sleeved shirt with a green dragon on it and a pair of black jeans. I brushed my teeth with my toothbrush that now permanently resided next to Armin's, and then I took a lengthy, hot shower, letting the water wash away my lingering thoughts.

And then I crawled back into Armin's bed, my eyes still heavy with sleep, lying beneath his blankets until I dozed off again. I was woken up to the delicate touch of someone brushing my hair back from my face, and I opened my eyes deliberately to see the blonde boy kneeling at the bedside. He was wearing his contacts that day, so I was able to get a clearer view of his beautiful blue eyes, and the curve of his dark yellow eyelashes against his cheeks as he blinked.

"Hey," he breathed, the scent of strawberry bubblegum heavy on his breath. "Are you feeling alright?"

"M-hm," I hummed.

"Are you hungry?" Armin's voice was soothing to my eardrums, and I was sure if he kept talking, he could lull me back to sleep. "We can go and get food. I'll drive."

"Okay." I nodded, stifling a yawn behind my hand. My stomach was an empty void, that familiar, dull ache of hunger reverberating deep in my gut. "And...maybe some coffee?"

Armin laughed, and it made me feel so safe. I reached for his hand without thinking, curling my fingers around his.

"Yeah, we can get coffee," he promised, smiling like he was looking at his favorite thing in the world.

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