25. misguided ghosts~paramore

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A/N~big big content warning this chapter for physical and verbal abuse

og readers know what's up next so buckle up y'all for thee edited version

25. misguided ghosts~paramore

Eren's POV

The moment the final bell rang, I made a mad dash for my locker. I was excited for my date with Armin, even though I had no idea where we were going yet.

"Hey Jaegermeister," Jean's voice called out, and I turned to face him and Marco as they approached my locker.

"How's it going? Are you feeling...okay?" The taller boy was searching my face for clues, unable to hide his genuine concern. I smiled, nodding earnestly because I did feel okay. For the first time, my stomach wasn't in knots of worry about the impending wrath of my mother.

"Yeah. I feel great," I replied. "Honestly."

"That's good to hear." Jean broke out into a relieved grin. "I knew it. Armin is the master at making you happy."

I scoffed, but I was still smiling, my cheeks flushed. "Yeah, whatever," I laughed, shutting my locker and starting to walk towards the double doors. "I guess he is."

"That's really sweet," Marco gushed.

The three of us marched outside, chatting more amongst ourselves. The sound of a horn honking got our attention, and I spun around to find a sight that both surprised and delighted me—Armin's little white car, idling by the curb as the blonde waved from the windshield excitedly. The car door opened and Armin skipped over to where we stood, beaming up at us. He wore purple jeans and a sweater that looked like it belonged to his grandfather, along with blue combat boots I had helped him pick out online; radiant as usual.

"Hi guys!" Armin greeted Jean and Marco. "Nice to see you!" He turned to me, his smile widening. "Hi Eren."

"Are you here to rescue me?" I teased, taking Armin's hands in mine. His eyes glimmered with happiness as he nodded.

"Picking you up from school? So domestic," Marco said with the tiniest of smirks. It made us both blush, Jean laughing quietly.

"We'll let you two go," the sandy-haired boy said, slinging an arm around Marco's shoulders. "Don't have too much fun." He winked, and I scowled at the implication, reaching out to give him a shove which he artfully dodged. "See you tomorrow!" the pair called to us in unison, already making their way through the parking lot.

Settled into the passenger's seat, I turned my attention to the blonde boy as we made our way down the street. "Where are we going?" I quizzed.

"You'll see," Armin told me. When I huffed in protest, he only shook his head. "We'll be there so soon!"

Deciding to trust him, I waited with impatience for our destination. I watched as we drove through town, passing the shops I had known my whole life but never paid much attention to. And then we were pulling up in front of one of them, a quaint shop with powder blue curtains in the windows and a pale blue awning below a sign written in cursive: The Wallflower.

"This is my grandfather's bakery," Armin announced as he put his car in park, sweeping a lock of hair behind his ear. "I've wanted to bring you here for a while, I just kept forgetting."

"I love it," I said before I had fully processed the sight of shop before me. "It's really cute." Armin smiled, tugging at the sleeve of my hoodie. "I knew you would," he replied. "Let's go in."

As we approached, I noticed there was a Help Wanted poster taped to the door. It held my attention, even as Armin took my hand and led me inside.

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