Chapter 1: Iced Black

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Today is just another regular day at the University for the 18-year old Athanasia.

After studying hard her entire life, she managed to get into the top university of the country to study law. On top of that she has extracurricular activities and is a part of the university dance crew which has weekly practices.

Her week mainly consists of those things - studying, dance practice, hanging out with her two friends, Helena and Jarvis, and more studying alone while drinking her coffee every single day like clockwork. She's grown to be dependent on it and she has to have it everyday or else she gets a headache.

Doing club activities on top of studies is hard especially since law has a lot of reading materials, but that's nothing on Athy because after all, that's the two things she does best. In fact, she never felt so alive and happy like this being busy and working hard.

The last four years of her life made her like this, she wanted to forget it but like an unwanted memory, it keeps on haunting her and it keeps her to push forward.

The arrival of a stepsister at 14 years of age, who easily obtained her father's love that she wanted her entire life, the everyday image of them being harmoniously happy made her sick to the stomach everyday.

From then on, she decided no to give a fuck about them any longer and worked hard for herself and to be independent as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Claude knows his responsibilities as a father and provided her with financial stability. She now lives in a luxurious condominium unit given by her father near her university which is supposed to be a gift for her getting into the best school. However she rather believes that is a consolation for doing his father a favor and getting out of his sight.

'Ha! You're welcome! It's actually a pleasure to get out of that damned house.' His favorite daughter, Jennette even has houses and properties named after her and she's pretty much gonna inherit the company. Damned favoritism.

But at least Jennette is not studying here because she's dumb! 'Well, I guess that's a bit harsh, she's just a little bit of a slow learner.' She cried a lot when the news came out that she didn't pass and CLaude had to reassure her that it's okay. He enrolled her into a private school with high quality education but does not require high grades to enter. He also hired private tutors for her.

Good for her. Remembering how much of a hardship she gave her during their high school years is grueling, she frequently needed to tutor her and she gave her a really hard time teaching her.

Not only that, she had to babysit her during those years because she's so oblivious and gullible and always got dragged by guys! She always received confessions and the way she answered them is always misunderstood that she agreed to date. That was a really a mess, the guys got angry and she's the one to clean up the mess.

From that, she earned the nickname, Icy Jewel, from the way she treated the guys.

Thinking about it always gives her a headache. But not to get her wrong, she doesn't hate Jennette. When she first met her, she actually felt bad for her to be raised by other people her entire life, so she helped her and took care of her in the household. And the rest is history, she's finally redeemed all those years of sadness and is living her best life, and way happier than Athy will ever be.

She already got hers so Athy will make sure that she'll get her own happiness! She's gonna graduate and become a lawyer. After that she will apply to a great firm and earn lots of money, maybe she'll start her own firm someday, on the side, she can invest in business and be rich!

'I'm going to show Claude that I'm better off without him and be successful!'

She's gonna be a rich auntie who will travel the world with her future dog. And she'll donate to a lot of charities and be a philanthropist. And she's gonna do it all by herself and won't rely on anyone! ' That's right, who cares about family? That invertebrate of a father only has his good looks as his only redeeming quality. Go die Claude!'

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