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EDITED: 5-22-23

Knock Knock

"It"s open," A voice replied, the person entered the room and looked at the other person.

"What? Did you get what I need?" She asked, he nodded and saw down next to her and gave her, her stuff.

"Oh my beloved food!" She exclaimed as she brought the chips out of the bag. "Now where's that hug you promised me when I get you those things?" He asked, pouting.

"Hmm, nope." She said as she opened the bag of chips and ate one chip and ate another.

"Awh, why not?" He pouted again, "I just tricked u tomcat," She said as she lied down on the bed and continued to eat her chips.

"Don't eat when you're lying down Purrincess," He said as he made her sit, "Why?" She whined, "Because it's bad, duh," He shrugged, "Kk," She replied.

"Hey by the way, can you get some chocolate from the freezer and melt them?" She asked, he nodded and ran to the kitchen.

5 Minutes Later

"I'm back!" He exclaimed, "Thanks Chat," She said as she patted his head and grabbed the melted chocolate from his hands.

"What are you gonna do with that?" He asked, "This," She said as she dipped the chips in the melted chocolate bowl. He cringed in disgust, "GEEZ WOMAN, WHAT KIND OF FOOD COMBINATION IS THAT?" He said as he got a pillow and covered himself, "Wanna try some? It's good!" She said as she ate more.

"No thank you.." He said as he stood up from the bed, "Where are you going?" She asked, "To get you water, that's too much chocolate," He said as he left the room.

After Some Time

"I'm ba- WHAT IS THAT?" Chat yelled, "What?" She replied, "What. Is. That?" He asked.

"Oh this? It's my pad," She said as she brought out a pad from the bag.

"Why are you so scared of it?" She questioned him, "Nothing, thought it was catnip or something" He said, she just laughed as sat on her bed.

"Cuddle me or I'll kill you," She said as she spread out her arms for him, he went to her shakily and cuddled with her, "Good Kitty," She cooed.

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