⁵Messy Sleeper

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EDITED: 5-22-23

Knock Knock

"Finally! You're here!" The girl with H/C exclaimed, "I've been waiting for hours!" She whined.

"Hehe, sorry. I had some stuff to do," The boy in the black suit said as she scratched the back of his neck.

"Anyways, that doesn't matter, since you're here, wanna play Monopoly?" The girl questioned, he nodded and followed her to play.

After what seemed like half an hour, the girl starts to get sleepy.

"Awww sleepy Y/N mode has been turned on," He teased, "Shut up," She said playfully as she went to her bed and yeeted herself on it.

"Come hug me, Chat," She said as she spread her arms wide enough for her Chat to come in between to cuddle.

"Awww, such a cutie," She cooed at him as he kept purring at her touch,

She was stroking his fluffy, golden locks, as he hugged her around her waist, still purring, not letting her go.

Soon, he felt her stop, he looked at her and saw his kitten sleeping. He awed at the view, he then stopped hugging her from her waist, and fixed her pillows, and gave her a pillow for her to hug.

He went behind her, lied down and spooned her from behind, "Good night Purrincess," He said as he placed his head on her shoulader, falling asleep.

A few hours later, he felt something on his leg, he looked and saw that Y/N placed her leg on his. He chuckled at the sight, and went to sleep again.

And again, he felt something on his body, but this time, on his waist.

He looked at it again and saw Y/N's arm, he shrugged it once again and went back to sleep.

"Ow.." He groaned, getting up from her bed, looking around, he saw half her body, on his.

"She such a messy sleeper," He thought, "Cute," He chuckled as he got out of the bed, kissing her forehead.

"Good night Purrincess, I'll see you tomorrow," He said as he stroked her hair before leaving.

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