Chapter Eleven

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Author's Note: Sorry this chapter didn't go up last night, personal problems came up. So it's going up now, I hope you guys love it!

Belle's P.O.V.

I spent the remainder of the year sulking I didn't want to be here without my best friend I went to school, practice, did homework, and slept. I just didn't have the motivation to do much else, we did everything together and I just couldn't do anything without her. Prom night, Ashton came over and we cuddled and watched movies and we still won Prom King and Queen, of course. Because we totally gave a fuck about being royalty but whatever. It was the day of graduation and then I could finally leave for New York, I wanted nothing more than to get out of here.

I walked down the aisle in my hideous gown and accepted my diploma, gave my speech as Valedictorian, and sat down with the rest of my class. I had a fake smile plastered on my face the entire ceremony because I had to be postive, I'm the face of the school. I hold pretty much every leadership position.

"This year's class of graduating seniors!" The principal boomed into the microphone and we all threw our caps into the air.

"Freedom at last." I muttered catching my cap and walking over to my mom and Ethan.

"Wow sis, you really did great here. Most popular girl in school, ASB President, Cheer Captain, Prom Queen, Valedictorian. What can't you do?" Ethan said pulling me into a hug.

"Walk the aisle with my best friend." I said, crying into his shoulder.

"Awe, sweetheart." My mom cooed joining in on our hug.

I pulled away and wiped the tears off my face. "Can we please go home?" I asked.

"Of course, do you want to wait for, Ash?" Ethan asked pulling his phone out to text Ashton.

"Oh yeah."

"He's on his way over here, he got swarmed by recruiters." Ethan said reading off the text.

"Tell him I'm in the car." I said, walking away.

It felt like I was walking for eternities because we had parked so far away, but the adorable figure leaning against my car, made the biggest smile spread across my face.

"Lucy!!!" I cried out running the rest of the way breaking the space between us.

"Belle." She barely choked out before I hit her and we both started sobbing.

"I can't believe you're here."

"I'm here to help you pack for New York and then when you fly out to New York I fly home to Florida." She explained, holding me tighter.

"Did you see my shitty speech?"

"Sadly, yes." She chuckled. "You should have spent more time working on that, than going on Tumblr."

"Eh. Let's go." I said, climbing in the middle and putting her in the window seat.

A few minutes after, Ashton slid in next to me and Mom and Ethan in the front seat. We drove home all beaming, Calum was going to meet us at my house and we were gonna do a big shopping and packing day.

We pulled up quickly and all piled out Luce running into Calum's outstretched arms and everyone walked into the house and up to my bedroom. I threw on some sweats and a tanktop and put my hair in a messy bun. "Let's get this done. The moving truck will be here tomorrow."

Box after box everything was getting loaded into it, my dreams were coming true closer and closer to each box that was filled. I was leaving for New York tomorrow night and I couldn't be more happy.

Ashton's P.O.V.

She fell asleep in my arms for the last time in awhile and I was going to miss her. But we were living our dreams and life was good.

We woke up tangled up with each other Lucy and Calum on the floor next to the bed and mom and Ethan had moved to the couch in the corner. The moving truck pulled up in the driveway and honked signaling their arrival.

"Guys wake up!" I called out to the room. "The truck is here!"

Belle stirred in my arms before pulling herself out of bed and fixing her hair. She smiled because she realized what day it was and bounded down the stairs.

"They're all upstairs in the hallway." I heard her tell them.

I heard her bound up the stairs in front of them and threw me my shirt and woke up everyone else. They came in and took box after box and put all the stuff we had bought into a box and packed it all away.

Belle's P.O.V.

After they had loaded the truck and left for New York, we all fell back asleep in my bedroom. It was the last day we'd all be together Luce and I flew out tonight, Ashton and Calum leave for San Diego and then fly out to Australia with the band, Ethan goes back to his apartment, and mom is left alone. I feel really bad for her but she said it's fine considering she's never really here.

"Belle, wake up. Your flight leaves in 3 hours." Ashton whispered shaking me softly.

I got up and stretched. "Go get me pizza."

"Demanding, much?" He smirked.

"Go get me some fucking pizza, hoe." I smirked. "Better?"

"Much." He said, kissing my forehead and disappearing downstairs.

After awhile sitting in this airport was becoming the worst thing ever. I was so close to my dream yet still so far. They finally called my flight over the intercom and I said goodbye to everyone. Holding Ashton a little bit longer than the rest.

"Don't let those New York boys hit on you. You're mine, babe. All mine." He smiled, kissing my nose.

"Don't let those Australian girls hit on you. You're mine." I laughed kissing him one last time before getting on my plane.

"I love you." We called out simultaneously, smiling.

Author's Note: Okay, so this chapter foreshadowed a little bit, only some of you are gonna catch it. But here ya go!  Love you guys!

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