Chapter 22

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I'm if I taking lot of time to update.

Today I want to thank you for supporting me and telling me how you feel about my story. i don't know if you like my story or not but if you don't like my story please tell me.

If their is any mistakes please forgive me na.....

Third person POV

After 2 Months..........

In these two months everything got changed. Lean, Bella, Mario and Denial move to chang mai, ChoYihwa move to Canada with their little Phana. And talking about Tae he also moves back to his apartment. He became zombie without his Tee. He made distance from everyone he doesn't talk to anyone, doesn't eat properly.

The one thing he do is blaming himself for Tee's leaving.

In these two months Tae never sleep without cry. He was so hurt and wanted to see Tae and his babies so badly. But where can he found his....Tee?

Sometimes he thinks Tee already forget about him and fallen in love with someone else. That's what always eat Tae alive.

Tae's family and friends were so scared for him and wanted to see Tae happy again. That's why they never stopped searching Tee.

Today Tae didn't went to his class but stay at his apartment while looking his and Tee's wedding photos. So his two friend who were Lam and Park decide to visit him and talk to him.

Tae opened the door for LamPark with swollen eyes. It was hurt LamPark to see Like this but they don't know what to do.

 It was hurt LamPark to see Like this but they don't know what to do

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They all settle on couch silently. No one dare to speak a word till Tae's phone rang. He took his phone to his hand and saw Jackson is the one who is calling him. Tae quickly answer the call getting confusion look from Park and Lam.

Actually Tae's friend's don't know who is Jackson.

"H-Hello, Phi Jackson" Tae greet as soon as he answer the call.

"Tae, quickly come to public hospital in Trat. We found

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