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One thing in people born in January is that once they are determined to do something they do it whether it goes right or wrong. So to sum it up, they rarely give up and it was a pity my mom fell under this category of people. She really was trying her best to make this get to know each other work. She even tried making small talks which ended as fast as they started and so far, well on a scale of 1 to 10 there was -10 progress. She had even tried

*Boring me with the usual work stuffs

*telling me not-so-funny situations she had been into that made only ail and her laugh

*trying to talk about school, and textbooks like I was some nerd.

But to be frank here I was being difficult. You can't clear years of tension just in one day. Come and Ail? Ail was just here trying her best to clear the tension that flew freely in the air by telling her never ending tales.

"I'm going to go use the bathroom" Ail excused herself probably trying to get actual air with no tension in it, Even though we were in a park with open air full of trees that give air, you know.

"This isn't working." Mom groaned loudly after 3 minutes

"Yup" there was no use of denying.

"I am trying Jane to know you, can't you at least see? I don't know what to do. What do you want me to do that'll make things like old times?"

Throw Michael out of the picture let's see how that works out but that just never may happen only because I don't want to be the cause of Eve and Evan never meeting or remembering their father

"Question for Question? You'll know me and I'll know you. "I suggested

Obviously she would reject that in




"No way, I bet all your questions would be about your dad"

See? I do know my mom.

"Oh my God how did you ever know? Maybe because you always answered every single question I asked that concerned him "I feigned surprise sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"What sort of witchcraft did he use on you that won't just let you move on "

"Maybe if I visit him I can ask "

"Just forget him for at least a minute no scratch that an hour-"

"What did I miss?" Ail perked as she sat on the checkers napkin spread on the grass.

"Nothing" I and mom chorused

"I saw a swing not so far on the left and I was wondering if I and Jane could go over there"

" sure no p" she smiled giving me the eye that was all like -this conversation is okay- and I replied with a simple shrug then she started to pack up all the picnic items we had used.


"I love swings" Jane said as she sat on one "Every weekend when I was a kid I and my brother would walk to the park just to use the swing. He loved walking a lot but I think he loved running better."


She shrugged "He grew up, I grew up then begged our dad to put a tyre swing in our front yard"

"You remind me of him so full off secrets and quiet well except he talks to me"

"Wait which of them?" I asked "Frederick?"





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