42 3 2

The human heart beats 72 times in a minute but right now I can assure you that mine was beating 72 times per second.

Yes, I was that nervous.

My situation right now was giving me mixed emotions. Nervousness, fear, excitement, etc.

Not to mention the voices in my head that were chatting like I was not there maybe forgetting the fact that I own the head they live in.

Granny may have died

Or maybe would have loved us

Nonononono what if she did not know you

There's a tendency that she picked the call by mistake-

Shutting the voices I tried to focus on the matter in happened to be in. What was I supposed to say? To be honest I had no idea. How would I start? No idea. Why hadn't anybody talked from the other end since the call was picked? I still did not know.

This was a call I was never ever going to forget. Ever

"Hello?" a feminine young voice answered me halt from unconsciously back and forth and pulling me out of my thoughts too.

"Please who am I unto? Can I speak with Rosa Lacy Evans" I asked sounding a bit desperate as I clutched my phone tightly.

"Dear, I am so sorry I have no idea who that is I suppose you have a wrong number"

I felt...disappointed. My hopes...crashed.it was like after she said those words a whole bucket of freezing water had been poured on me.

I couldn't give up that quick, I had a whole notebook of people who I think may know dad but still this was the closest I could get to.

"But this is her number"

"She must have changed her phone or something" the woman nervously laughed and hanged up on me.

I am a failure. After all my hard work all my dedication after everything I still ended up having nothing but that moment I was close to something git still gave me nothing.

"Aargh" I groaned in frustration finally lifting my eyes from my phone then throwing it.

My pacing back and forth continued

"What was I thinking? "I angrily asked myself

And my head voices weren't helping either

What were you thinking? Did you really think you'd find him so easily?

He could be in another country or even continent.

Or six feet below you

But I think he would go to Australia or something

"Aaaaaaargh"I groaned again trying my best not to blow up.

Breathe in breathe out.

Then I sat on the floor and hugged my knees trying my best to think of things that could help me. I had no idea how long I had been sitting but my phones ringtone was enough to push me out of my day dream or whatever.

Grumpily walking over to the bed, I picked my phone then looked at the caller ID.

Ail Green Eye

And then the picture that she had taken of both of us was there. My eyes were squinted and my lips pressed into a thin line, yeah I was ugly but Ail on the other hand was smiling brighter than ever and her eyes glinting,

Right the phone was still ringing

I answered.

"So I kind of got your number" she said in her usual hyper tone

"Yeah, I noticed" I dryly replied as I got on my bed

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out or something"

"I'm not really in the mood so No thank you"

"Wait, can I at least come over"

I paused

"I could babysit the twins" she added quickly to her offer


"I'll be there in like an hour or two breeze"

She hung up the call

After a few seconds of thinking about what I could do with my life I finally decided take a cup of water from the kitchen.


"You really think I don't know you?" a quiet voice asked from behind breaking the silence as I grabbed my cup

Don't get into an argument

"So I went to think all about it and then found out you were right I really don't know you and we both know we are older than pushing blames on each other"

I turned over to look at mom properly. She was casually leaning by the door

"So I decided that we can have a mother daughter time to actually get to know each other properly."

"I am baaaaaack" a very faint cherry voice sang interrupting me before I could utter a response to mom.

She had a puzzled look on her face wondering who would shout that loud

"Sure" I accepted her offer

But again we heard loud footsteps nearing us and in a second

"I have been looking for you everywhere"

"You just got here" I deadpanned looking at the girl out of breath.

"Oh hi Laura" She greeted my mom casually

"Hi ail"

"Am I interrupting something?"

"No, I and Jane were talking about going out, you could join if you wante-"

"I would love to!!!" she screamed! It's going to be mother daughter and ..........Ail time!!" she paused and wore a bored look noticing the silence

"So Laura, how's that diet working out for you?" she asked my mom and like that they were chatting their way out of the kitchen

Today was going to be very interesting


I hope you enjoyed it I knew it is short but still,



QUESTION OF THE DAY: I got nothing


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Stay cute.

Bye :)

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