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6:00 a.m.

The inbuilt wall clock violently rung.

Mom recently had made some adjustments to ensure that no more clocks ended up broken either by or in the pool.

Unable to switch off the alarm my legs unwillingly reached the floor.


Displayed on the screen of my wristwatch that laid on the stool beside my bed.

An hour till school started and all I needed to get ready or even less....

My legs slid into my shoes as I walked out of my room straight to the kitchen.

"Good morning," I greeted the nanny.

"Good morning, dear" she picked up a plate from the dining table and placed it on top the stack of plates by the sink.

I dished myself some waffles there was no use of stressing her when I could do it myself even though this made her oddly uncomfortable.

"Dear"-here comes the scolding "how many times do I have to remind you that you shouldn't stress yourself, I'm paid for this"

"Sorry" I reluctantly apologized as I took a fork and knife to begin my breakfast.

She let out a sigh "Why are you up so early?"

"I have school to go to" I gestured to my school uniform.


Then an awkward silence fell. Something was wrong I could feel it because from the corner of my eye I watched as she started cleaning the plates she had already cleaned.

"But" she began, I stopped chewing.

"Your mother informed me that-"she paused as if expecting me to know or have an idea on what she was saying

"That" I pressed further.

"That you were"

Okay so now it had to do with me...

"Perhaps" she grabbed a jug of apple juice and poured it into the cup beside my plate.


So it wasn't a dream?

"Please excuse me" I stood up

My phone? Where is it?

My legs had made it to my room and I began to search for my phone.

Under my pillow

By my headrest

On my vanity table

It wasn't there.

"Found it" I grabbed it from the floor and quickly typed my password,

There was a notification.


You left your purse

-8 hours ago



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