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"So how long have you been suspended?" Emily tied her apron as she dusted her hands with a clap.

Out of boredom -and my aunties I decided to go to work today else I may end up over thinking the whole mystery tested thing. For all I know he could be a stalker trying to kill me ... I guess? I'm doing it again .

"Like four days" I was rinsing spoons, I left the house by 6 and just a few people had popped in to just take a coffee to go, usually working young adults or extremely weary students that made me happy for not going to school.

The room went silent and without turning my head I just knew Emily had stopped cleaning the ordering counter "You're stressed"

It was true, the whole suspension thing, mom and her pity eyes, my aunties and their nosy noses, me and my dad ...let's not forget the infamous mystery texter."what else can I do?" I shrugged as I placed the last set of cutlery in the strainer to let it dry, according to her once Emily served a Karen who got disgusted at the sight of a spoon and began to ask her about her water quality and all that nonsense. Customers were always right.

" Go to a party " she deadpanned then walked over to the cupboard to get a coffee scented air freshener, somewhere on the internet she had read that some people loved coffee shops because of the smell, it was relaxing or so personally it just disgusted me. I wasn't really a fan of scents except I was spraying it in someone's eye

" Ail mentioned one to me last time she worked here, you should go with her"

The Aileen I know will never mention a party, she'd rant about it, but seriously when was the last time I heard her rants? Probably if she ranted to me I'd forget the whole mystery texter idiot. Then again I always zoned her out so that wouldn't work, she's the opposite of a perfect distraction.
"How's she?"

I let the water from the tap gush out onto my hands, imagine if you could rinse way your troubles?

"She asked about you" Emily switched off the tap as she glared at me like did I know how much water cost? "She was worried that day you ran off to God-knows-where and didn't appear for work but more worried about the election because she was loosing to Marissa, who made no effort and then went back to happy Aileen after the election got cancelled"

All these happened just after skipping a few days of school, "sounds like her"

The bell chimed

"We have a customer"
My aunties.

"So Jane this is where you work? "one of them asked. Her name started with O and that was all I needed to know
" its fine OK" said another as she eyed the place. I knew that voice too well, she meant the opposite. Her words were overly sugarcoated.

"So who is serving me? "
This was going to be a long day

She ditched me. Emily ditched me. She stood at a corner while watching in amusement while I tried to serve my aunties, hear their annoying chatter like how smiling more could get me a husband, or when I'd come over to work in the farm or how they knew a friend's brother's cousin that they were sure was going to show interest in me. That wasn't all, I was forced to smile and take a picture with them at basically every cornerp.
It went for an hour.
A whole hour of them, being their dramatic selves but a bit interesting.
But after that hour they left to some salon.
Thank God.

Slowly they cafe began to have actual customers and that was when the real stress started. Jotting down orders for customers was not that bad but having to listen to them make a decision with a cheerful smile was. I was actually not far from loosing it, especially after some dude was pestering on why we did not have free WiFi? Idiot.

"Order for table two" I tore out a jotted note from my notepad and placed it on the counter "Also table 8 wants to add bottled water to their order"
Emily popped out to the counter as she placed a brown tray on the counter while taking the notes "Order for table 10, I attended to them while you answered the WiFi guy" she explained briefly as she disappeared.

My lips formed an o. I headed to table 10, it was filled up with teens probably my age I hope this doesn't waste my time.
"Order up" I forced a smile as I dropped the tray,
Al! Of them were on their phones, until one looked up
I knew that voice, Oliver.
"Oh my God Jane that's you, long time"

Customers are always right.

"Yeah, it has" I think my lips were twitching from how fake my smile was but then again it may haven't.

" I heard what you did to that girl, so cool. She can be a bug sometimes " For the first time I agreed, she actually always thought that she was better than everyone, with her nonsense delusional peace speech, she was far from this world.

"Mhm" I nodded

He pressed further "we should hangout sometime, a friend of mine's throwing a party and it would be lit I'm telling you"

"Sure" I replied to quickly, l needed to get out of here quick and the Oliver I know would never leave until he's convinced you enough.

He smiled and faced his phone while I returned to the counter to get the other orders.

Brought oliver back because I can!!!!!!!
Okay this chapter was inspired by @friskriel because she adviced a party scene was all Jane needed for some development.... So let's see how this goes!!!!!!

Thanks @friskriel for the wonderful advice!!!!!

Thanks @friskriel for the wonderful advice!!!!!

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