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Finding Dad.

Finding dad was and has been the only thing I ever wanted since he left and never came back but since Ail came into the picture I really have been distracted with her rants or endless adventures.

The only useful information I had gotten since was that he never really divorced mom, she just really wants a divorce, nonetheless all he did was leave. Cold but still gave me a chance of finding him, I'm pretty sure mom would do anything in her power to get him and her a legal divorce with may cause a clash with him and me or something.

Apart from that I knew nothing else, I had no sources since dad was the only kid leaving me with no aunts or unless and his parents were very quiet people in another country. I wouldn't count mom as a source as she still holds on to the whole 'Forget dad thing' plus we aren't still on speaking terms after our last chit chat.

"Jane why on Earth is that creep looking at you like that?" Ail questioned, poking me out of my thoughts. Literally.

Turning to the direction of her pointer was to meet the weird and only

"Oh you mean Oliver Liam? Has been a pest since first semester "I answered.

Come to think about it Oliver hasn't really been much of a pest since Ail came along.

"Got any problems?"

But Ail did not seem to be listening but she was way too busy having a glaring contest with Oliver but what surprised me was the smile on her face.

"We have a history" Her eyes not shifting from its position as she air quoted 'history'

But just as I looked at both of them eager to see who may blink Oliver diverted his attention to wink at me and I responded while I responded to his flirt attempt with an eye roll facing my work.

"Jane darling, in as much I would love to rant about our history, that'll just be a story for another day that just may never come"

I shrugged in response.

I and Ail just happened not to know much about ourselves and I wasn't curious to know about her life. I don't want to tell her anything about myself because I never really have...I think.

The clock seemed to be slowed than usual. But what do you expect on a Monday morning?


As I walked to my locker with Aileen accompanied with her ramblings. Something extremely odd happened. She shut up.

Maybe we have reached my locker and she decided to shut up.

But when I looked up I saw why, Oliver was there.

"Oliver" She growled through gritted teeth but nonetheless a smile on her face.

"Aileen" He growled in response.

"I am so happy both of you know your names, now please excuse me I need to open my locker at least"

But they didn't budge. I have no idea why I and my innocent locker are involved in this, it's not my fault they put their glaring contest on hold to continue in front of my locker .

After standing for two minutes straight without anyone blinking I decided that I could do something more reasonable with my life.


As I sat on one of the benches behind school I made silent prayers that I don't get approached by any Blondie.

"What's so special about the place?" A sudden voice asked which I normally would jump but Aileen would always be Aileen.

Really what was special about this place?

* Was it because of its amazing scenery?

*Or that this was the very spot I met him?

*Or that that we usually skipped lunch together to spend time alone

*Or the memories here


"I'll pretend I didn't notice you hesitated "She winked

"What is the deal with your phone?"

But before an answer left my lips she already snatched it.

I shrugged not much was in it.

"Awl who are these cute kids?"

"Eve and Evan, my siblings"

"No offence they are white but you are black, why?"

"White dad" I explained

After a few scrolls she threw it back at me

"You really need to liven up a bit" she nagged grabbing my phone and forcefully taking a sulfide then after sum typing on the phone.



"Where is it" I grumbled in frustration.

Searching mom's room was one of my greatest mistakes, because she was a talented hider while I was a poor seeker. But there was no harm in trying, right.

I had checked everywhere for anything that could link me to dad but I got nothing.

"Argh"i screamed dragging my hair and throwing a useless tantrum when my elbow hit the bookshelves and something fell.

Please don't be breakable

Luckily it wasn't. It was a book covered in dust, layers of dust.

My Phonebook was clearly written on the front hard white cover. I have something finally-

Mom was back. I am so dead.

As fast as I could I managed to put some things in order as I carried the book and ran to my room.

The phonebook was full of mom's old friends that I was to call sooner or later but a name caught my eye

Husby's mom-Evan


I could finally call her taking my phone I quickly dialed the number.

She hung up

I called again

She hung up

I called once more

She answered

Where do I start from?



Sorry the chapter is a bit short. I really hope you love it.

No Questions for today

So I guess I'll just skip to

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Stay cute.

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