Bonding with the cousin

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3rd Person

Joy and Felix started searching. They found some possible weaknesses:

His cousin (Joy)

A pet he might has (kinda impossible)

His wand (maybe)

A person he has bond with (kinda impossible too, because he was hidden and met no one)

After several searches they ended up finding his only weakness. That was his family. And in this occasion Joy. Joy would have to fight him so he had no weaknesses at all. They rejected the weaknesses.

-Maybe some bonding time with him will make him not want to kill me.  Joy suggested.

-Remember that he is being controlled by his mother aka your aunt. You said that yourself.  Felix replied.

-Yes. I still don't know why she wanted to kill me. I am her niece and the only witch in this world.  Joy said sadly.

-I think i know. She wants to rule this world and revive all the wizards and witches. You are in her way. And even if you weren't, you wouldn't help her. That makes her hate you.  Felix explained.

-We can try blocking the spells my aunt has casted to my cousin. Then he will stop want to kill me and we will leave happily. My cousin, my 'son', Liam, my family and my friends.  the girl sighed. She now felt that Liam didn't love her more than a friend. She did too. She didn't feel any spark, when they first kissed.

-We can do that. Start reading. We have to find the right spell.  Felix said and started looking at the books.

After hours of searching Felix found something. Joy won't like it though. he thought

-I think i found something. You won't like it.  he said.

-Do i have to die or something?  she giggled. She then saw his serious face and stopped.

-Not you. He has to.  tears found their way in the brunette's eyes.

-What? Why?  she chocked.

-His mother can't die, because she is already dead. So he has to die.

-I just f-f-found him and y-y-you say he has to b-b-be k-k-kill-l-led?  she managed to say through sobs.

-Sorry. That's the only way. Unless you want to revive the wizards etc and leave happily. But you will have to kill Ian.  he said.

-I WILL NEVER KILL IAN EVEN IF THAT MEANT TO SACRIFICE MYSELF.  she yelled even though she was cryinga and sobbing uncontrollably.

-Okay chill. I was just saying.  he said rubbing circles in her back.

Brando's P.O.V.

In two days i would have to face my cousin. I couldn't do it, but i had to. Or else mother said she will hurt her worse. I will let her win me. I will die and she will be happy without any other battles in her life. I knew what she has been through and she deserved a better life.

Hey you copy?

Yes what is it?  I said in my mind. She was communicating with me.

I thought we should bond.

How am i sure that that's not a trick?

You can search my mind and see what happened this day if you want.  I searched her. Her mind had no evidence that she wanted to hurt me.

Fine. Where should we go?

I don't know. I thought of the library, but i don't know if you are a nerd or not.

Not only nerds go there.  And you are a big nerd.

Mum bought me glasses, because i can't see very good. I guess i needed them.

Okay see you in the library in 5.

See ya.

We stopped and i smiled to myself. I will get to know her.

Justin's P.O.V.

Something is wrong with Nat. We aren't talking very much. I think she is avoiding me. I asked her to go in the dance with me and it took her a while to respond. Fortunately she said yes. I think the yes was forced. I feel like she will tell me something in the ball. I don't want to know. I love her, but not as much as i used to. In fact i think i only liked her last year. I am a bad boyfriend. Liam is off too. He doesn't hang out with me. He says he has to go something. I ask Emma and she says that he is dating someone. That means he is cheating. I should inform Joy. Liam is my best friend, but Joy has to know.

Joy's P.O.V.

We went to the library and read some books. Then a movie. After that ice cream. He has never eaten ice cream. I was surprised. I introduced him to Ian. Ian is calling him uncle, but he still calls me Joy. I am jealous. I know he will die soon, but i might die too. I want my last days to be happy. No boyfriends, no sisters. Just my 'son', Felix and my cousin. That's all i could ask for. We decided that we will have a sleepover at mines. We watched a movie again. He sleeped in the beggining. I watched a little until Ian fell asleep too. I put them in the bed, kissed their foreheads and laid on the floor. Best day ever.

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