Everything is not what it seems.

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Well you know everything is gonna be a breeze
That the end will no doubt justify the means
You could fix any problem at the slightest ease
Yes, please

I can do what i want easily. I have magic. But i have to work hard for it. I still have Maroon to train me. Just in case. I have a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen.

Well you might find out it'll go to your head
When you write a report on a book you never read
With the snap of your fingers you can make your bed
That's what I said

Magic is awesome. I don't have to make the bed alone or get dressed alone. When i am too bored i can make things come to me. I read a book for the project i had. It is about magic. What a coincidense! I needed some fresh air so i headed to my spot in the woods.

Everything is not what it seems
When you can get all you wanted in your wildest dreams
You might run into trouble if you go to extremes

I saw Maroon being struggled by a shadow. I froze. Get your shit together. Save her. You have got magic. But what if the shadow see me? I will get in big trouble. The person will reveal my identity. But Maroon is more important. I will obliviate it later.

Because everything is not what it seems

I blinked and Maroon disappeared. It was just a hallucination. Maybe a destruction? Probably. But why?

Everything is not what it seems
When you can have what you want by the simplest of means
Be careful not to mess with the balance of things
Because everything is not what it seems

Then i saw mum and dad. I still missed them. I run and hugged them, but when i touched them, I realised i couldn't. Like they weren't there. NO! I couldn't stand the thought that my parents were just there and i couldn't hug them. I think i saw them smirking at me, but i brushed it off. I collapsed to the floor crying and bringing my legs to my chest. I started feeling weaker and weaker. I realised that someone was absorbing my powers. I turn my head. I saw no one in sight. The weak feeling stopped all of a sudden. Oh no. I have to work harder to gain the powers i lost. From that moment i knew there was another wizard there and he was spying me. That's what the witch meant.

There's always a lotta people that you need to see, but you got a quick way to get from A to B Just be careful who is aware of your reality. You know what i mean.

The wizard couldn't be Ian. He didn't have so many powers. Well, he doesn't know he even has powers. But he know i have. He won't say anything. Will he? He is still mad at me, but i wish he will not tell about me being a witch. My aunt was coming today. She was a nice one. She always bring me clothes, especially hoodies. I can't wait to show her my new style. I quickly run towards home.

There's a whole world that you only know, when you can make your head invisible from head to toe. But understand it's not status quo. Oh, be careful what you show.

I snapped my fingers and the clothes came to me. I was bored to the procedure blah blah so i quickly put them with magic. I heard someone opening the door.

-Get out i am changing.  i yelled.

-Sorry sweetheart. Aunt is here.  a voice that i recognised as mom's said.

-In a minute.  i shouted. I went to the bathroom to wash my face, because it was red from the crying and some dirt and brushed my hair, because it was a mess.

Everything is not what it seems
When you can get all you wanted in your wildest dreams
You might run into trouble if you go to extremes
Because everything is not what it seems

I blinked and i saw Ian.

-Hey Ian. That's not the men's bathroom.  i said confused, not why he got here, but how he got here. He was still mad at me. He wouldn't come to my house.

-I just came to say that whatever you do i won't forgive you. You are a freak and you will forever be.  he said and laughed. I looked at him. I was afraid that would happen. That someone will say it. But i didn't want that one to be Ian. Then Ian started to bleed from his ears. He started taking a form of a zombie. And he seemed eager to eat a brain. I screamed. The door opened.

-Joy what happened? Why are you screaming?  Felix asked.

-I-i-i saw a-a...... spider.   i lied. I didn't want him to be worried.

-Oh okay. Your aunt is here. Come downstairs.

Everything is not what it seems
When you can have what you want by the simplest of means
Be careful not to mess with the balance of things
Because everything is not what it seems

My aunt hugged me and gave me a present. Then they gossiped with mom and Nat. I just recalled the moment i had in the bathroom. I realised that i felt a dark aura. That wasn't Ian. Of course he wasn't you idiot. Ian can't turn into a zombie. Dumbass. You were afraid of a clone.

-Joy sweetheart are you okay? You seem skeptical.  aunt asked.

-I am good. Just tired. I didn't sleep well. I couldn't wait for your visit.  i lied even though i was tired.

-Okay sweetheart want to sleep a little more?  mom asked.

-Yes please.  i begged.

-Okay go. Aunt will stay for 3 days. You will go to the mall tomorrow.

-Okay mum. Tomorrow night i will have a sleepover.

-To whose place?

-To Ian's. Is that okay?

-Yes dear. Now go to sleep.

-Thanks mom.

No, Ian didn't invite me. In fact he was still mad at me. I will apologise, give him the rings and then have a sleepover. I mentally high fived with myself. I laid in the bed. Felix came in my chest and i embraced him. We slept together again. I missed sleeping with Ian though.

(A/N I got that idea from the song Everything is not what it seems, one of Selena Gomez's song. I personally think that chapter sucks, because i have never worked a chapter with lyrics)

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