Chapter Fourteen

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After a whole day of work and a Pastor's meeting, I got home in time to prepare for the date I was going to have with Cindy. I took a quick shower and got dressed in some shorts and blue Tshirt. I got all the paint brushes and paints that we were going to be using. I stepped out into the back yard and spread a black and red checkered picnic blanket just besides the pool.

A few moments later, the doorbell rang and I went to get the door. There she was; beautiful as always. She was in red, this must have been her favourite colour alongside with roual blue. She was glowing, her cheek bones were up and a sweet smile curved up her lips.

"Hey, there you are." I leaned in and gave her a hug.

"Hai," she smiled and returned the hug

After a few greetings and a short tour of the house, I led her to the kitchen were she sat down as I organised what was left.

"Can I offer you anything to drink?"

"A mango or orange juice will do"

I opened the fridge and poured her some orange juice. "There you go"

"Thankyou. You have a lovely house."

"Thankyou,what's in the basket?" I asked.
"Just some fruits, I figured they may be needed for the picnic."

"Great! just what we need. I think we are now all set."

I helped her off her seat and led her to the backyard where Ihad set everything. Our lesson involved alot of laughter and cheer. After messing around with some paint, we
Sat down to have a little something to eat.

"So tell me about your love life, what do you look for in a partner?" O went on to ask.
I figured it was time things got real so I just had to go with that question. I scanned her face as I waited to hear what she would say. Hoping I would tick her boxes.

"Well first things first, one that loves God, a christian. Someone that wants to settle down and have kids some day. That's very important to me. I would also love a man that knows what he wants then of course he must be caring, honest and smart."

"Okay that's fair enough, and in terms of physical appearance?"
She laughed a little and seemed a little shy when I asked the question
"C'mon you gotta tell me, everyone has preferences." I said as I chewed on the grapes.

"Well am not really big on that as long as the guy is not shorter than me then we're good to go"

"Hahahaha really, okay I guess I tick that box"

"Yes you do. And you, what do you look for in a woman?"

"Must be pretty and smart, definitely not boring."

She chuckled a little at the sound of that.  It was undeniable there was something sparking up between us. The chemistry was there and we surely had a connection. She was a very sweet lady.

Well..., she must be intelligent, i love a woman that knows and loves God. I continued to say.
You know someone that will stand and walk with me as I walk with God. Am big on family and my woman must understand that.
She intently looked at me and i scanned her face to see what she was thinking. The smile she gave just made me smile back and i knew that we were getting somewhere.

It started to get cold so Cindy and I entered the house and sat down in the living room for a hot cup of coffee. We continued to talk and we dived in deep about relationships. I got to tell her about the woman I wanted to marry and she had explained how she wasn't really in the dating world because the people she kept on meeting didn't just cut it for her. Her phone rang in the middle of our conversation and she had to excuse herself to answer it. When she came back she looked a little worried so I just had to ask.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's just that my friend Martha is not feeling too well and she wants me to get her some soup."

"Do you need to go now?"

"Oh no I can just take it to her when I get home"

"Sure, but I can take you if you like"

"Yeah that could work"

"What kind of soup does she want?" I said, as I made my way to the kitchen.
I have some here, you can make it here then we can both take it to her

"Yeah great idea"

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