Chapter Thirty-Seven - Supernova

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"A plan? Well, that's almost non-existent; I'm out of web fluid." Peter replied, peeking his head over the top of the car. "There's a broken drone over there; it's sending up pressure waves every few seconds. I'm thinking I can use it to get to the higher levels - that's where Beck is, but there are too many drones around him."

"Okay, right." Clara acknowledged him, biting her bottom lip as she contemplated her own ideas for a moment. "What if I went up?"

"Then you'd die." Peter said bluntly.

Clara frowned, slightly offended at the assumption. "Are you forgetting that I can create force-fields?"

"No, but even if you get to the drones, what then? You'll just fall back down, right?"

"No, I'll aim for a window; I'll be able to get through it with a shield - like breaking water in a dive." Clara told him, looking up as she imagined the scene playing out. "Plus, if I go first, I can disable the drones."

"You can what now?" Peter span to face her, this being new information to him.

"I figured it out in the tower. I was wondering, if I could almost kill us in the plane by accident, what could I do on purpose? And then I just kinda started glowing and touched it, then it broke." She said. "Apparently I can take down a drone."

"So, you're like a living, breathing EMP?" He asked.

"I guess, yeah."

"But there's loads up there; I can see at least thirty. You think you can handle all of those?"

"I think if I'm around that many it'll be like back in Berlin. Considering how powerful it was back in the tower, and with so many up there," She continued to rush out, knowing time was becoming short. "I think it it would be like, supernova level."

Peter didn't look so sure. "I don't know, Clara..."

"What's the worst that can happen? Force-fields, Peter, remember?" He still seemed hesitant. "If it doesn't work then we'll find another way, but I really think it will. I know I can do it, Peter. Plus I think the blast could even disable E.D.I.T.H., but that would only be the glasses, so it would only work until they're rebooted directly from the servers."

He looked back to the swarm above them. "Fine - but I swear to God you better not die."

"Or what?" Clara grinned, adrenaline already pouring through her veins. Peter didn't respond and she took that as her cue to move forward with the plan. "Make sure you're out of the way if- when they fall."

"Got it." He stated.

"We need something you can use to follow me up." Clara stated, looking around. Peter found the Tower Bridge sign lying dented on the road a little way down the road, and he picked it up, holding it like a shield. "Yeah, that'll work."

With that, Clara rushed forwards, trying not to over-think her steps. Peter watched as a purple hue wrapped around her in a sphere, the girl leaping from the ground and into a pressure wave before jetting up towards the gathering of drones.

Rapidly approaching the hornets' nest, Clara felt a stinging ripple across her body. But the stinging was familiar, an almost over-whelming surge of power coursing through her every being. She saw the glow around her growing to an almost blinding level, Peter needing to shield his eyes as he tried to watch. With arms raised as if she was diving upwards, she soared into the mass of drones, for a moment feeling what it was like to fly.

Reaching the centre, it was as if time stopped; Clara felt suspended in a frozen moment - caught in a second of time and space that had always been destined to happen. She couldn't describe the feeling welling inside her as she watched the scene play out; It was as if she was an onlooker to someone else's story, but she was looking through the eyes of the main character.

It was as she had expected, a supernova of power rippled in the air around her. She heard the whirring of each drone turn to a jolting grumble, every one of them becoming nothing more that pieces of scrap metal and useless wires. They began plummeting to the floor, clearing the way for Peter.

He rushed forwards moments after, sending his own body flying after Clara and using the London Bridge sign he had found as a rising platform, the wave of force beneath him launching him upwards.

Clara broke the glass first, the material weakened by the surge in energy beneath it. She felt her feet connect with a hard surface once again. Clara landed in a crouching position, one hand braced on the floor. A little queasy from the sudden rush and change in height, she gave herself pause to catch her breath.

Peter burst in a moment later, coming up from the glass floor, the material shattering under the pressure. He landed upside down, sticking to the ceiling of the walkway. He was holding Beck by the collar of his jacket, his fist raised and the glass of the man's helmet shattered.

Clara rose to her feet, her legs were shaking but, surprisingly, she hadn't suffered the same overwhelming exhaustion she usually did when expelling that much energy. She wasn't sure why that had been the case, maybe the way her powers were being channelled; rather than holding it all in, she was letting it go.

"Your lies are over, Beck." Peter said, breaking the short lived silence. Looking towards the two of them, Clara saw there were still drones hovering behind Beck. It seemed the blast hadn't been quite powerful enough to entirely disable the drones, just make them dormant. Beck hadn't seemed to notice that - being preoccupied with Spider-Man and all. Clara was just hoping her EMP was enough to knock E.D.I.T.H. out of action.

"This certainly isn't ideal, but I have contingencies." Beck told the masked hero, almost nonchalantly considering the position he was in. "E.D.I.T.H.?"

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