Chapter Thirty-Two - The New Suit

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"Has that ever happened before?" Peter asked, taking the seat across from Clara.

Clara nodded, and if the shocked expression she wore wasn't evidence enough, her shaking hands also attested the fact. Clara wondered if what had happened in Berlin had kicked her powers into a higher level than they already worked at – into something that all of her years of living hadn't created. I guess I have something to thank Beck for after all. "I know you were joking but, Peter, that could've actually killed us."

Peter shook his head. "These were built with so many back-ups for the back-ups you'd probably get exhausted before the jet had a chance to drop any further." To the best of his knowledge, that was an absolute lie, but it was what Clara wanted to hear so that's what he said. "Like you said, try doing the opposite."

She closed her eyes again, and now, rather than focusing on the energy, she focused on her heartbeat. Of course, she wasn't going to tell Peter that it hadn't been the scare that made her heart jump – admitting the thought to herself was daunting enough. 

In for two seconds, out for four, she thought, using her tried and tested calming technique to steady herself.

Peter watched her, chewing anxiously on his bottom lip. This time, Clara's face was relaxed, her lips parted slightly as her chest rose and fell steadily. Looking down at her hands, he narrowed his eyes, leaning forwards in the chair as the colour seemed to dim. The change was barely a fraction of a difference in shade, but it had happened, the energy seemingly drawing back into the girl's palms. He didn't say anything, he just watched, not wanting to make her jump again and send the plane plummeting further to the ground.

Clara did her best not to let herself get excited as she felt the warmth in her hand dissipate ever so slightly. Even when she was sure it had faded entirely, she stayed still and silent. Only peeking her eye open when she heard the machine nearer the back of the plane stop humming. When she looked down at her hands, she beamed. "Did you see that?" As soon as she spoke the glow returned - but it was a start, and she was going to take the glow returning with a pinch of salt.

A wide grin spread across Peter's face; not just at seeing the colour vanished, but at knowing Clara had succeeded and seeing the look of unadulterated joy in her eyes. "Do it again." He nodded forwards and instantly she settled back into the chair. Listening to him as if he was promising the world if she did it.

Peter rose from his own chair, moving to the machine to begin his design for the next part of the suit. With frequent glances to Clara, he could see she was trying not to grin as the colour faded once again. Clara let out a shaky breath as she attempted to manage the excitement this time, holding onto control over the energy for as long as she could.

With the jet speeding the three to London, Happy stepped into the main area of the plane. Clara looked up at him and even with the new distraction, her hands remained free of any light. "What's the plan, Peter?" He asked.

"Plan?" Peter repeated with nervousness in his tone. "I don't have a plan yet."

"Oh." Happy nodded slowly, not saying anything passed that but instead hoping Peter would take back his words and give him orders.

"If I could...?" Clara started, rising from her chair with eyes flitting between Happy and Peter. "It's just- I look at a lot of cases with my parents; I know how certain things are done. I mean, not usually anything of this degree... but still."

They looked at her expectantly. "Err, okay, well, first of all, you need to find a way to let Fury know what's happening without Beck realising because I still don't know what Beck's plans are, but I guarantee it's not gonna be good for Fury."

Happy nodded. "I can do that."

"Then we find out exactly where Beck's gonna hit – that shouldn't be too hard considering it'll be a giant monster somewhere in the city." Clara told them. "Peter, you're gonna need to go up against Beck alone; I don't think I'm gonna be able to take that many drones when I've only just started controlling this."

Peter grimaced. "It's okay. I think you should go with Happy to find MJ and Ned and the others. You'll be able to protect them."

Clara felt her stomach flutter at the disguised compliment and she swallowed nervously. "Okay. Then that's what we're doing; Happy and I will drop you near the target zone, and we'll go to find everyone and get them out of there." She paused, looking into Peter's eyes and seeing the anxiety hidden behind the chocolate brown iris'. "I'll come find you once we do – I promise."

Peter looked back at her, taking in the same worry behind her own eyes. He nodded and faced Happy, trying to tug something from his pocket. "Before you go, if something happens to me, could you..." He opened a small tin, lifting a still intact black dahlia necklace out of it. Before continuing, Clara saw his sights flicker towards her. "Could you please give this to Aunt May?"

"You'll make it back. You'll give it to her yourself." Happy told him, taking the piece of jewellery from him anyway. "You got this."

"I got this." Peter tried to convince himself, glancing to Clara again. "We've got this."

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