Chapter Fourteen - Prague, Czech Republic

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Clara left the hotel. She followed behind the group of her classmates, all of which where complaining about their upcoming evening. She didn't have to worry about Mr Harrington questioning her presence though, he couldn't see her - no one could. Invisible to those around her, she weaved through the crowds of festivals goers.

Bright colours surrounded her, flamboyant outfits and vibrant décor running up and down streets. She heard dozens of different accents and languages from across the world as she headed towards the main square, and she picked up on snippets of different conversations as she passed. Clara dipped behind a food cart, everyone too distracted by the crowds and booming music to notice the girl reappearing.

She moved to the other side of the cart, seeing sweet cakes cooking on a spit. She looked at the sign in the stall, struggling to read the name of the food. Still, the smell drew her in and she handed money over to the woman rotating the pastries in return for one wrapped in a napkin.

Clara ate it as she continued through the crowds, smiling and laughing with passers-by as they danced around her. Finally, she arrived at the square, seeing the carousel and Ferris wheel come into view. "Oh no." She winced, her eyes settling on two of the riders on the Ferris wheel. Ned and Betty were halfway up on their first rotation, Betty looking over the square with saucepans for eyes, and Ned looking over the square looking as if he was about to pass out.

Her sights then moved to the fountain across from her. "Dear God; this is going to be a mess." MJ and Brad were walking hand-in-hand while looking down into the stone basin of the fountain.

Next, she looked up at the cathedral tower. A black-clad Spider-Man perched on a ledge, looking over the area, clearly lingering on the scene around the fountain for a moment longer than the rest of the space.

Finding a bin to throw her napkin away, she wiped her hands clear of sugar. A new wave of extravagantly dressed young adults sweeping her along. Someone took hold of her hand and she giggled as she was twirled into the body of a woman. Her heart raced, not from fear or panic, but simply at the exhilaration she felt from the motion. The woman was dressed in every bright colour Clara could name and face paint was spread across her cheeks.

The spectacle of it all had the younger girl wide-eyed with amazement: the noises, the smells.

Anyone looking at Clara could see there was a glimmer behind her eyes as they reflected the vibrancy of the world surrounding her in that moment: the music and the dancing. Never before had she seen such a thing – never before had she imagined such a thing.

In all her years travelling, she had never gone to such an event; always hulled up indoors convincing herself she would much rather enjoying spending a quiet night in, avoiding the parties. Her lips twitched with a tight smile at first that slowly spread wide across her face, showing absolute delight.

The woman that had pulled Clara along swayed to the beat emanating from the speakers, her hips following the motion of the music. She looked away from the beautiful woman to the rest of the group she was with, all covered the same colours and makeup.

She felt a thin layer of sweat forming from the humidity and heat but still she smiled; in that moment she felt more alive than she ever had before. It wasn't the adrenaline of a fight running through her veins, it was pure bliss of being frozen in a moment of time, any worries vanishing for just a moment.

This is incredible. She wanted to sway to the music, join the party of magnificent women, but a single thought reappeared in the back of her mind. This wasn't why she was here; an attack was about to take place and all of these people were in danger.

Clara told herself that she should be trying to warn them, telling them to head away from the square, sending them far away to anywhere that wasn't there. But she couldn't, she was too wrapped up in the fluidity of the moment.

The moment came to a reluctant end though as MJ and Brad appeared in her sights again. This time, Clara was more focused on what they were standing in front of than the seemingly heartfelt embrace they were caught in.

"We have seismic activity." Maria Hill told Spider-Man through his earpiece.

As he was told that, Clara saw steam beginning to rise from the fountain. People began moving away from it, the murmuring of the crowd now heard even over the music. The murmurs soon morphed into screams, a stampede forming with the epicentre being the fountain.

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