Chapter Eleven - The Tankstelle

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Clara walked towards the building on the right, heading the same direction the rest of the class was. "Ten minutes!" Mr Harrington called out. "Ten minutes, everyone!"

She glanced over her shoulder to see Dimitri holding Peter back with his arm across his chest. She stopped to watch the man point towards another building. Following the pointed finger, Clara saw a woman standing in the doorway under a sign that read 'Gasthaus'. The blonde-haired, black clad lady disappeared into the inn.

When Peter trailed after her, Clara pursed her lips in contemplation, trying to decide whether or not she should follow after him. It was certainly nothing to do with her, and she knew it was almost, without a doubt something to do with Nick Fury, but... she was definitely and undeniably curious. Plus, maybe she could find something out for her parents.

Yeah, that's all I'm doing – gathering intel for my parents, she told herself. With that thought, she stepped onward. There were no windows at the front of the inn so she couldn't peek in that way, but it meant she didn't have to dodge them either. "Hello." She heard Peter speak in a small voice, nervous with the strange confrontation he had found himself in.

"Close the door." The woman said, her strong voice and sharp tone highlighting the intensity she emitted. The words became muffled, a door clicking into place blocking the clarity of their voices. Clara moved into the building, leaning towards the closed door to try and hear what was happening inside.

She heard Peter speak again but this time couldn't make out what he was saying. Clara leant closer to the wooden door; the flimsy material was surprising soundproof. Still, she could only here mumbles. It seemed to get even quieter, time between speech lengthening.

Clara pushed her ear against the door, hoping that doing so would help with the clarity. It didn't – the muffles simply became the slightest bit louder. With her hands braced against the door, she frowned, focusing entirely on the conversation behind it.

"Five minutes!" Someone called from outside. Clara jumped, accidentally pushing against the barrier, her eyes widening as a click sounded. She stumbled forwards, taken off guard by the sudden lack of resistance to her weight.

The voices inside stopped abruptly at the sight of Clara falling inwards. Peter span round, his trousers round his ankles. Clara looked up from the floor once she had stabilised and immediately covered her eyes with her hands, letting out a small yelp as she set eyes on the boy. "Clara!?" He exclaimed. "No, no, no!"

She peeked through her fingers hesitantly at his hurried tone, seeing the woman he was next to standing with a hand behind her back, Peter's hand gripping onto her wrist. "I, er, I wasn't listening in, or anything – I swear!"

"Who is this?" The woman bit, struggling against Peter's inhuman strength to pull her weapon from her waistband.

"This is Clara! She's my- She's in my class!" Peter rushed out, looking between the two.

"I should go." Clara told herself, muttering the words before speaking louder for Peter and the black clad woman. "I'm gonna go."

She backed away from them, not wanting to turn her back to the woman, knowing if she did she wouldn't be able to stop any rounds that may start to fly towards her. Rounding the corner and out of view from them, she upped her pace, heading towards the first building she had originally planned to enter, with her face burning with a red blush.

"You okay?" MJ asked her, the taller girl standing next to Brad and seeing her flushed cheeks.

"Yeah, I just..." Clara cleared her throat. "I just needed to stretch my legs, go for a little walk."

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