The Story Continues...

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Clara Wilson and Peter Parker return in...

A Hero's Secrets

One year after half of all life returned from the Blip, Sam Wilson and James 'Bucky' Barnes work together to bring a stop to the terrorist group, the 'Flag Smashers'. With a new Captain America forcing them to work against the clock, the team must find a way to avoid more bloodshed, and they must take more risks - including breaking one Baron Helmut Zemo, Sokovian terrorist mastermind, from custody.

Having a motive of her own - her own reason to find this group, Clara works alongside the pair, knowing she'll cross as many lines as needed to do what she has to do. Now having been trained by the new, underground S.H.I.E.L.D., and having gained greater control over her abilities, Clara is more prepared than ever for the dangers she will face - but still, nothing could prepare her for what was to come.

The first five chapters are available to read now - Two chapter uploaded every week after!

A New Hero - Peter Parker (BOOK 1) | Spider-Man: Far From HomeWhere stories live. Discover now