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The curtains added a soft golden color to the sunlight peeking through the window. I blinked my eyes, breathing deeply after regaining my conscience with no memory of what happened previously.

For a moment, my mind was free of thoughts and my heartbeat was at a slow pace. The bed is warm and the bedsheets was soft against my skin. I was thankfully, in my bedroom and not some stranger's. Although, I wasn't the one to hop into a stranger's bed easily, last night was wild I was starting to doubt it.

I made the mistake of raising my head to look around and the drums in my head suddenly awakened causing me to wince in pain. It started pounding like I've never experienced before and I sat up, leaning against the headboard and massaging my temples.

Suddenly, the light was too much for my eyes and I felt a zap in my head at the intensity. Sighing, I finally got a glimpse of my appearance. I was still in my the black dress, my curls going in all directions and the dried mascara plastered on my cheeks reminding me of a girl whom got her heart recently broken. I looked like shit.

The door was gently knocked and I quickly pulled the blanket over my body. I didn't want Amy or whoever was on the other side to see me in this state. No, I couldn't embarrass myself.

"Come in!" I yelled to the person behind the door, whilst gripping the blanket.

The door was pushed open and a pair of long legs clad in jeans strode inside. My gaze glided up to the mug in his hand and then to his handsome face which was clouded with a concerned look. I felt goosebumps along my skin, pondering at what Eric thought of me. I was such a mess and I didn't want him to see me like this.

With only a few inches between us, Eric sauntered inside eating up the distance. My gaze collided with his and a blush blossomed my cheeks. I ran my fingers in my dishevelled hair to cover my embarrassment.

"Hey, you okay?" He said as he sat on the edge of the bed, staring at me. I noticed the steam coming from the mug and I assumed it was coffee. Maybe he brought it for me.

I nodded. "I don't think so because there's a party going on in my head. I feel so messed up."

"Hangover is a bitch," He chuckled and handed the coffee to me. It wasn't until he uncurled his fist to reveal the aspirin tablet that I realise his other hand was occupied. "I brought you some coffee and aspirin. It could help."

I look into his sincere eyes as I took the tablet and mug from him. "Thank you so much, Eric."

He smiled but said nothing. I quickly gulped down the tablet and sipped the coffee. My tongue welcomed the warmth as it burned down my throat with its brewed taste.

Eric was still there, his eyes assessing me. I wondered why he was being so nice to me. Was he planning to lure me into believing he has changed and then using my vulnerable state to avenge on me?

I racked through my brain, trying to remember the last time we had a fight. Even after what he did to me, what he said about me, I couldn't bring myself to omit those sincere eyes off my mind. Was it because of something I said or has he finally decided to stop being a dick to me?

"What happened last night and how the heck did I come back? I have no memory of it." I said before sipping my coffee.

He shrugged as he made himself comfortable, my legs almost touching him. "Daisy actually brought you back home. You were so drunk you passed out at the club and I had to help Daisy to bring you to your room and tuck you in bed."

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