Chapter 15

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I hated being fawned over.

I sat in a plush chair that was dragged into the bathroom. People were everywhere, but they were all women. Touching my hair, measuring my arm span, and all the while I sat still with a blank expression on my face.

The dragons were sitting on me licking and puffing for my attention, and hissing whenever they didn't want the ladies touching me.

"Hey you knock it off you little pest," an older lady scolded at the dragon who slapped her finger with his tail.

I captured the little guy and held him tight to my chest. He purred contently and started to lick my chest.

"Thank you, young man. I've been here most of my life and I've never seen these guys act this way. You must be awfully special." She smiled, then got back to tugging on a measurement roll.

I nodded back, as if in a daze. Every so often I spotted Osiris peeking his head through the door checking to see if I ran off yet. The moment I saw his eyes, they held a brief worried look in them, but that look was gone in a flash and replaced with infatuation when he saw me sitting there mollified.

With a steady voice, I've mastered over the years, I addressed the commotion. "I need to use the restroom." It was a firm but gentle demand.

"Of course! We'll just be done for the day, you get some rest." The same lady answered.

I nodded my head and watched as they left, closing the door behind them.

I sat back in the chair and closed my eyes on the blissful silence. At the exhale of my breath, I felt a breeze on my face. It wafted in my nostrils and filled me with cool content.

I opened my eyes to the window that was slightly ajar, bringing in the fresh outdoor air. I closed them again when an enticing scent erupted my fragile senses.

I felt a pull tug me to the window. My fangs were out and I knew without a doubt my eyes were a swirling crimson.

I stood up on uneven legs and let the scent pull me towards the opening. With a small burst of strength, I used the palm of my hand to jam the window ledge open.

With my primal instincts completely in control, I followed the scent out the window and into the bushes.

I followed the scent to a cobblestone clearing and there he stood, moving in beautiful articulate movements.

His movements were fluid and graceful. The scent was from the sweat that poured off of him in drops.

I all but moaned out when the scent became stronger and stronger, the masculine pheromones pulling me in.

His eyes flashed to me when I couldn't control my voice. The slits became more and more prominent now that he was looking right at me. The intensity that his mismatched eyes held were so powerful, they had me catching my breath again.

Instincts took over when he stepped in my direction. I felt like a deer caught in headlights. My breath was ragged and uneasy. My eyes sharp and unfocused. With my mind made up I turned and took for the woods.

Pushing branches and bushes out of my way I ran deeper and deeper into the damp woods.

It felt good. Stretching my legs and feeling the wind rush behind me.

It wasn't a run of escape. No, it was the silent exception that I needed to feel free. I knew Osiris was above me, keeping track of my whereabouts. I felt the gust of wind every time he flapped his wings down.

I grinned when he decided to let out a rumbling growl. He sped up ahead of me and started to breathe fire, showing off.

I moved faster to catch up. It went like this for a while. Both of us edging each other on until we came up to a small clearing. No trees. Only the soft green swaying grass.

I threw myself down on the soft blades and looked up panting at the clouded moon. My cheeks were flushed from the given blood and my eyes were ablaze with happiness. I closed them with a sigh of content.

I didn't hear or see anything, but that smell came washing around me once again. I felt calloused hands cup my face lovingly.

I opened my eyes and gazed up at him. He was crouched over my head with his face a breath away from mine.

His golden hair almost flopped over my eyes, just begging for a haircut. I reached my hands up and cupped his cheeks in favor.

I pulled his face down to mine desperately needing a connection.

When our lips touched, I felt it. That bursting spark that caused me to grasp his head closer. He held me closer with equal vigor.

He pulled away though before we could go too far.

"Shhh, just try to calm down," he said as he put his palm to my chest.

He smiled, one of those genuine smiles. "We just need to wait a little longer."

I held his hand still when he tried to pull it away.

"I need this connection, I don't know why, and I'm not sure if I like it. But I need it, so don't leave." I silently pleaded.

He looked down at me for a moment silently studying me. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close to his naked body consenting to my will.

His body held heat, and I felt like I was in a bundle of warmth.

I felt Osiris shift behind me. Then I felt a long tongue lick my cheek and my body shook from the deep vibrations of his purr. He started rubbing his stubbled jaw against my head and I scrunched my eyes whenever that sandpaper feel scraped my skin. His hands started rubbing my exposed skin. He was grooming me.

With my short time spent with Osiris, I've realized touch was important to him. He wasn't a person you could talk to about feelings. He would rather express himself through his actions and body. It was understandable. No one wants a blubbering king.

"Let's go." I abruptly stood up jarring Osiris out of his animal side.

He looked up at me, his hands behind his head. No shame that he was completely naked in my view. He had that whisper of a smirk on his lips. That mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Where to?"

"Back. You are going to be missed."

"I'd rather be out here with you. You've finally had a reaction and I'm loving every minute of it," he smiled, revealing white teeth.

I rolled my eyes, turning on my heel and towards the swaying trees.

I felt odd though when I looked in the trees. Something wasn't right.


"I'm here," he said behind me, wrapping a forearm under my arms. "I feel it too."

I shifted my eyes and used my abilities to look deeper into the forest.

My breath caught. I didn't like what I saw.

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