Chapter 9

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I awoke to pain. Gut wrenching pain that hurt enough to scream my displeasure. I felt pink tears start to gather at the bottom of my eyes, but I held them back, clenching my eyes shut even tighter.

Large calloused hands held my upturned hips down sternly. Thick, long fingers wrapped around my pale hip bones effectively keeping them in place, as the pain got more and more unbearable.

My muscles strained against the weight holding me back. I felt a cry start to bubble up forth from my chest, growing and growing until finally I released it.

Upon hearing my screech of pain I felt the familiar weight of small, scaly bodies wrap around me whimpering and stroking the sweaty flesh. My cry died down to fast pants of air as pink tears streamed down my cheeks to land slowly on the cushion beneath me.

"Easy there," A calm, rumbling voice said from somewhere in front of me. I still couldn't see past closed eyelids. "It's almost over, take deep breaths." I felt those fingers on my hips slowly start to stroke my pale flesh. My arms started to shake again as I felt burning pain start up again. It felt like silver as my body tried, but failed to knit the wound someone was making on my body.

I held my breath as I felt it go deeper and deeper into my flesh. A gush of air escaped my lungs when I felt the burning pain disappear. With care that I only felt with one person, those arms wrapped me close in a comforting hug. "You weren't supposed to wake up until after the operation. Your body is becoming immune to my venom as it should be." Osiris whispered in my ear.

All I could do was lay limply in his arms as he stroked my hair and rubbed my back soothingly. "I'm sorry it hurt so much, I had to make it permanent and being a vampire just made it even more challenging." I didn't know what Osiris was talking about until I felt soreness when one of the dragon's tails brushed over my nipple. I stiffened up again, as I reached a trembling finger up to my chest. My fingers came across smooth, silver metal embedded in my skin. I flinched back when my fingers started to sizzle and burn. The flesh blistered and bubbled, but healed in a matter of seconds.

"Yo- you pierced my body?" I asked barely above a hoarse of a whisper. With love I didn't know he could possess Osiris Bent his golden head down and kissed the side of my temple.

"It's a sign of affection and love in my clan," his head went down lower traveling down my neck to stop at my chest. A long forked tongue sneaked out and started to lick the sore flesh at my nipples. "They make you even more beautiful Baine." He purred in that odd way of his, deep in his abdomen where he tumbled out waves of satisfaction. A long, booming sound that was entirely his own.

My tired eyes shifted away from the beast before me to scan my surroundings. We lay on a bed larger than life, where mounds and mounds of pillows and blankets were scattered out in a burst of colorful arrays. Gold and colorful stones surrounded the bed making my assumptions true. That I was in a dragon's lair.

My thoughts and wandering gaze were lost when I felt claws stroke dangerously close to my privates. Osiris was completely bare to my gaze. A strong frame that I knew took years and years to achieve. Dragons were prideful creatures and it really showed in the way they treated their bodies. Like a temple.

I couldn't deny it, Osiris was a beautiful creature. Golden tan skin layered over thick capable muscles. Long fingers to go with thick hands that were full of calluses. Eyes that penetrated deep into your soul, a calculating green and a striking yellow. Lips that were all masculine and thick. Ginger fuzz surrounded a snarky mouth and covered the expanse of his stern jaw. Hair the color of the golden rays of the sun. He was very well put together.

My eyes fell to those lips when a deep appreciative growl escaped them. Osiris's dragon preening and purring at his mate's heated gaze. I looked down to see Osiris's impressive member start to swell, and pulse up with his love juice. I started to scoot back on my hands, but the dragons held fast, keeping me plastered to the bed.

"Did you see all of your new jewelry Baine?" Osiris rumbled crawling over and on top of me like a cat. His eyes held mischief. "I especially like this one," his hand shot down and captured my member, making me release a painful cry from my throat.

I felt the tender head of my penis pulse with pain as Osiris played with the fingers now embedded on the tip. "No need to cry my darling," he brushed my hair, "I'll make you feel better real soon." He licked the ring and sucked it in his wet mouth. The soothing chemicals in his saliva were slowly taking the pain away.

"Stop." I growled through clenched teeth.

He licked my member one more time before releasing it completely. He dragged my tired body into his arms, laying me atop him so I looked down into his guarded gaze.

"Why me?" I found myself asking those eyes.

"Why not you?" We were so close that our lips brushed every time words escaped our throats. His eyes were now soft. Instead of mischievous. "You will have a good life with me Baine, you need not want for anything as long as you're within my grasp."

It was silent for a moment, only the lulling sounds of purrs and a beat of a heart were present. I let him have this moment for now.

"Rest," he commanded in a gruff voice, so I did.


I left my mate to rest. After the piercings I gave him, I felt like the scum of the earth for giving them to him in the first place. I pierced his nipples, dick, ears, and nose. All signs of a mated couple in my clan's eyes.

I strode down the hallway of my home with long strides, my anger bubbling up with each purposeful step.

Many have already started to seek my mate. That's why I took him away so soon and now I needed to mate with him even faster.

I slammed the door open to my study hard, startling the two occupants inside.

I growled furiously. "I want them dead!"

I roared, shaking the whole castle with my rage.

"All of them sire?" A timid voice asked.

"Every single one of them, I want them dead." I growled again wringing my hands through my hair. I may have to relocate Baine for his safety.

"We are on it sire, consider it done." Confidence leaking out of the man's voice.

"Good," I darkly chuckled, "good."

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