Chapter 4

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It was silent as I laid on my back waiting. My arm was up and the small blue dragon was curling around my fingers over and over. My body was unconsciously moving the five digits, with the movements happening between them. Twitching and bending with the dragons slithering. The large gold dragon started licking my plump cheek with his slitted tongue, his claws coming to rest firmly on my shoulders. The green dragon and the white dragon, which I've come to know to always stay together were playing in my hair. Burrowing down deep just to come up and do it again, making my unkempt hair even worse. The black dragon perched lightly on the little patch of flesh beneath my belly button. His tail curling around and stroking my naked, left inner thigh while picking his sharp teeth with one of his claws. To say the least I honestly didn't care what they did anymore, they obviously weren't leaving anytime soon.

I couldn't help but notice how gentle they were. So gentle and conscious of their powers, it was amazing how much control they had. I knew they were all males as if it were difficult figuring out, they acted like the typical male species. Possessive and cocky. I also noticed how they were able to resize their shape. I guess that ability would come in handy in a situation like this.

I moved my head to the side and looked at Kallex. He was moving his thumbs vigorously and looking intensely at his phone, stopping his movements occasionally just to scratch the ginger hair atop his head.

I guess you could call Kallex tall. At a little over six feet he was average height for a male. His body was slender and his muscles were long, choosing to lay in his legs. His butt was quite rounded for a guy, but it wasn't his fault. His body was built for quality in mind, not quantity. His jaw and chin was slightly jutted giving him a defiant look. High cheekbones and a few days growth around his face. His hair was a poof of red that really needed to go see a stylist, but of course Kallex refused, and the bird's nest stayed. His eyes were nothing too special, a dull hazel color with specks of green when the light hit them just right.

From a distance you would see a well built young man, but up close I knew Kallex had a sassy little attitude that showed itself often. Especially when he wanted something. He normally got it too because Aegeus didn't have the heart to tell him no sometimes, but when Kallex was in trouble which was quite often, he got punished big time. He was fun to be around, especially when there was a party going on. He doesn't go to them often, but when he does he definitely was the life of the party.

Kallex glanced up from his phone noticing me staring. "Can you please cover your dick? I mean I can appreciate a well built dick, but not when I'm playing flappy bird and when it's my brother's, so please put that thing," he waved his hand downward at my dick, "away."

"I would gladly cover myself, but I'm kinda preoccupied right now."

Kallex muttered incoherent words, then peeled off his black hoodie and threw it on my lap startling the black dragon who turned and hissed at him. My eyes brightened in laughter as Kallex hissed back in a completely non threatening way. The dragon puffed out orange flames mockingly, then proceeded to nuzzle under the hoodie covering my manhood.

Kallex glare evil at the dragon, then suddenly his eyes brightened and he jumped off the couch. In a sing song voice he all but screamed, "Aegeus's here," and skipped towards the door with a grin plastered on his face.

He threw open the door and wrapped his long arms around Aegeus's neck. "So good to see you."

Aegeus completely unfazed by Kallex's affection wrapped his bulky arms around Kallex and gave him a chaste kiss on the forehead.

You see Kallex was very special to Aegeus. Kallex was the first human he turned into a vampire so therefore his bond with Kallex would always be stranger than all the other humans he turns after Kallex. I was second turned and I still shared a bond with Aegeus, but not as deep as Kallex's.

"Good to see you Kallex," he unwrapped his hands around Kallex and looked deeply into his eyes."Now let's see this problem."

Kallex nodded his head swiftly, then grabbed Aegeus's hand and led him to me. With one fist on his hips and his hand pointing towards me Kallex grinned. "Here's the problem." I waved shyly with my free hand at Aegeus's surprisingly not shocked face.

"Not as bad as I thought it would be," he murmured, rubbing his smooth jaw  ignoring the dragons warning hisses.

When he took a step towards me I had to hurriedly grab onto the black dragon and squeeze him in my chest to stop him from attacking. "Don't come any closer Aegeus, they get real hostile towards strangers." I had to reach my free hand up and grab onto the gold dragon's wing to pull him down too.

Only when Aegeus took a step back did they quiet down their hisses.

"Well from what I can see they have yellow eyes, which is a mark of the Osiris Andrus's clan." He said while observing the dragons.

"Oh wow," Kallex exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "I heard that shifter was way hot from one of my friends."

"Hush Kallex," he scolded, "Well it might not be his clan. Baine did you happen to see someone when the dragons showed up?" Aegeus questioned seriously.

I nodded my head meekly.

"Describe him if you can." Aegeus demanded.

"Well his hair was a golden color, but the hair around his jaw was a ginger color. Lighter than Kallex's hair. Ummm he had mismatched eyes, one green one yellow."

Aegeus nodded his head. "That would be Osiris. He's been recently killing clan leaders for the right to rule as king. He's a brutal killer with no mercy or a second thought."

I gulped, unconsciously pulling the dragons closer to my chest. "Well what the hell does he want with me?"

"I don't know," Aegeus said sitting on the couch across from me with Kallex. "Something important though or else he wouldn't have left his dragons with you."

"What do I do?" I asked frantically letting fear slightly slip from my voice.

"Do not fret Baine. He would have to go through me first as you are my responsibility." I sigh of relief escapes my lips.

"Now Baine I want you to explain everything that happened yesterday." I watched Kallex's eyes go wide with worry.

"No, no, no there's no need, Baine is perfectly safe now." He said hurriedly.

"Is there something I don't know about Kallex?" Aegeus questioned glaring down at Kallex making him seem smaller.

"No..." Aegeus raised one perfect eyebrow. "Okay, okay I didn't stay at Baine's house last night. I went out with someone."

I watched Aegeus's eyes blaze in fury, but his face stayed stoic. "When we get home you're in deep trouble." Kallex sank down further into the couch in fear. "You better be happy I'm here helping Baine and not bending you over my knee. Now sit here and don't utter a single word until we get home." Kallex nodded his head.

"Now please explain." I stopped myself from shivering at his cold voice and explained everything. By the end of it Kallex's eyes were wide in excitement and Aegeus just looked troubled.

"Well I think Osiris is taking you as his mate."

"What!" I exclaimed, but shut up when Aegeus raises his finger to silence me.

"I'm not sure, but the signs are there. We just have to sit this one out. When he comes for you, and make no doubts about it he will come for you, contact me immediately Baine. It's important." I nodded my head in understanding.

"Now I must go and punish this naughty child." He stood up and swung a sulking Kallex over his shoulder. "You will be off of work for a while. We will be in touch." And with those parting words, my sire left me to my own devices.

With a breathy sigh I looked down at the two dragons I had squished against my chest.

"What do I do now?"

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