Author's Note: Part 2

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Hey everyone it's me again. Just wanted to say thank you to all who stuck with me through my snail updates. I have loved reading your comments though this whole thing and watching your reactions as you got to each chapter.

1: I will continue His Demon Lord as per request, but through snail updates so keep an eye out for the story.

2: I start my first year of collage today so my schedule will be all over the place. Not that it already wasn't with my odd update times... I'm majoring in social work.

3: I know during these times everyone is going through a lot so if anyone ever needs someone to talk to, listen to their problems, etc feel free to message me. If You message me privately I can give you my phone number because that is the fastest way to reach me, but please be responsible with it.

Anyways, I'm wishing everyone a safe start to a new school year! Best wishes to all,

Winter Rose ~

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