Chapter 10

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I lay on my back looking at the lavishly sculpted ceiling. I was spread eagled across the larger than life bed, exposed because I was too afraid to wear any clothes in fear my new body jewelry would get caught and tear. The dragons seemed to enjoy them, swooping down and tugging on the tender piercings when I wasn't looking. I would always have to swat my hands at them, and they would scurry down and snatch onto another one.

I flipped over on my hands and knees and crawled across the bed towards the stairs that were situated in the middle of piles of gold. I wrapped a black knitted blanket around my shoulders as I trudged down the steps, the dragons flowing around my body and leading the path down the stairs.

I was hesitant at the door, my fingers brushing over the large hoop handle as I stood staring at the floor. I felt anxious for some reason, the little quake in my fingers the only sign of my despair. With shuffling feet, I pushed open the door. It freaked and groaned under my arms as I slammed it open.

Just as the door opened wide enough, I stepped through pausing a breath of a second to let the dragons swoop and jump in. I closed it with a resonating thump and focused my eyes down the long stone hallway.

With my re-dug up confidence I marched down the hall determinately, the soft pitter patter of my feet the only sound echoing off the walls.

I came up to another door which I knew was important by the way the dragons jumped around excitedly, but they all scurried to find a place on my skin as I opened this door a lot more silently than the other.

The door revealed an old fashioned office. Bookshelves outlining the walls and a large brick fireplace situated in front of a comfy looking burgundy chair. A large wooden desk sat across from me with a modern looking computer on top and another door was nestled in between all the books. Some of the dragons flew off my body to jump around what I was assuming to be Osiris's office, sulking back when they realized Osiris wasn't there.

I walked around brushing ghost fingers over the binds of the vintage books, pausing in wonder when I smelt a linger of Osiris's scent on each one. I stood behind his desk scanning my eyes over the documents and trying to open up drawers. My exploration was cut short when the door groaned and a man stepped through. Big build, but shorter than me. Dirty blonde hair and scolding blue eyes that stared me down from the doorway.

"What are you doing in Lord Andrus's private office?" He asked, purposefully making his voice deeper and intimidating. It didn't faze me one bit.

"None of your business," I growled. "Now could you please direct me to Lord Andrus." I clasped the blanket closer around me when I felt the vibrations of the dragons growls and snarls.

The cocky man looked down at my legs to see the dragons twisting and constricting around my calves. His eyes went wide and his mouth became agape.

"I'm terribly sorry for my rudeness. I will take you to him right away right away." He gave a dazzling smile and a gallant bow.

I looked him over, deciding not to press anymore on the matter. Fear was rolling off him in waves and that was punishment enough for being rude. With a slight nod of my head I followed the man out the door from which he came through. From his smell I knew he was a cat. Most likely a lion from the dirty blonde mop on his head, but the greatest giveaway was his cockiness. Lions are extremely prideful creatures.

He led me down another stone hallway, this one at least had a few doors running off the sides. We walked up stone cold steps and entered another hallway through the door atop the stairs. Surprisingly this hallway was not stone, but wood. Through a few more confusing doors we entered a large sitting area, looking much like the office in style.

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