Chapter 19

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The events of last night caused a steady ache in my lower back. I groaned, flipping to my stomach and settling down for more needed rest.

Osiris was having none of that. He started to knead and massage my tired hips. I moaned in bliss as I felt my muscles start to loosen up.

He kissed the back of my neck. "How are you feeling?" He purred in my ear with a raspy morning voice.

"Like hell. I don't think I can walk, let alone wiggle my toes." I whined into the pillow.

He chuckled, then started massaging my bottom. "Then I've done my job well."

We were fully mated now. I felt Osiris's joyous emotions, and I couldn't help but feel happy too. Everything felt so different now that I had to share my emotions with someone else, but I was starting to enjoy it pretty fast.

"Come, let's go take a bath." He kissed my ear and hauled my sore body up in his arms, the little dragons leading the way and also full of energy.

We exited Osiris's giant horde and into the bathing room. He placed me on a bench that was built in the tub. Turning the water on hot, he poured in some scent-free soap and crawled in next to me. I moaned when the first stroke of hot water hit my toes. It felt amazing on my deliciously numb lower half. I didn't care though. For once in my long existence, I felt good. Surprisingly it was caused by a kidnapping temperamental dragon king and I couldn't be happier.

"You're glowing," Osiris commented while rubbing shampoo in my sticky locks. "I feel your energy all throughout my body." He snuggled into my shoulder.

I stroked the back of his head. I didn't answer the silent question in his voice. Instead, I leaned back and closed my eyes letting Osiris cleanse my body. I felt the joy of his dragon knowing that he was taking care of his mate. I basked in his joy.

He pulled me out of the water and sat me on the toilet while drying my body off.

He dressed me in flowy silk pants and a long-sleeved silk shirt. It felt like heaven against my skin.

"We must make an appearance." The palm of his hand was against my back guiding me towards the grand room where everyone awaited.

I nodded my head while stroking one of the dragons snuggled in my arms. The others were latched onto other places on my body. Down my pants, around my neck, across my chest. I was used to it, and now saw it as a comforting thing.

"They are a lot more clingy now." I looked slightly up at Osiris who was walking beside me.

He smiled, "dragons are pretty possessive of their mates. Survival instincts spur them on to keep them safe." He chuckled a little. "They probably want more sex."

I felt the dragons get excited at Osiris's words, tugging on my piercings and licking my nipples. I had to stop and touch the wall when I felt my body stir to life. "Yes," I nodded. "I think that's it."

They stopped and settled back in when Osiris scolded them. I was thankful. I don't think my body wants sex until I can feel my bottom again.

We entered the doors to the grand room and hundreds of dragons littered the area. Every corner was filled. Excitement meandered in the air and all around us.

When they saw us they all cheered loudly. More like roared. Osiris gave one of his rare smiles and held a fist up for his kingdom.

Kissing the side of my head, he led me down the stairs towards two seats behind a large table filled with food.

One of the chairs was large and gold, covered in various stones and complex designs. The other one was drastically smaller. Gold in color, but the only gems on this chair were emeralds.

I sat on the small chair, while Osiris sat on the large king chair.

He held up his hand and the crowd went silent. "You may eat!" His voice boomed across the vast space. Everyone started up chattering again. His, no our kingdom was smiling and enjoying themselves. Laughing and chasing yearlings around. I always thought his kingdom hated him, but from the look of it, they adored him.

"In your goblet is some of my blood. I don't think we need to show the world how you really feed." Osiris smiled beside me.

I nodded my head. I completely understood. We don't want to scare anyone. Latching my mouth onto Osiris's neck, their king would not be a good choice.

I held up my drink and took a sip smiling at the sweet taste of Osiris. He tasted even better now.

We sat with our people for hours. Nothing got old. Everyone was so kind and friendly. The elders telling stories, while the yearlings ran around screeching and trying to fly.

"We are going to retire. Thank you all for your hard work!" Osiris addressed his people again. Strong and confident.

When we entered the hall leading to our room, the sound died out and it was yet again me, Osiris, and the dragons.

"It was dun. I'm surprised your people adore you that much." I voiced my opinion confidently.

"I'm a lot better king than the last ones."

"I see," I nodded my head.

We walked back down the hall in silence. I felt my mind go in turmoil again. Was I really happy? Is this what I want? Am I in love?

I went back to my memories of the times where I killed for food so I wouldn't starve. Living day by day waiting for someone to kill me.

I came to the conclusion that I'm a lot better now than I was with my sire. Yes, some weird shit happened when me and Osiris first met. I never dreamed of getting a piercing down there.

The thoughts of love. Well, I don't know.

I didn't know if this love I have is artificial and caused by mating or if it's caused by my true emotions inside.

Whichever one it was I didn't care. I knew I was in love one way or another.

I stopped and looked at Osiris. He gave me confused eyes as I opened and closed my mouth like a fish.

"I love you."

Osiris gave a small, knowing smile. "I already knew you did."

I didn't question his answer as we walked down the hall of our life, acting as if I didn't just declare my love for him. It was good enough for me.

We passed behind us memories of our past, letting them go. We passed behind the framed figures of envy, families we left behind, mistakes we sacrificed on our path. All that mattered now was this moment. His hand in mine. Our smiles for the future, and the new path we started together.

I'm glad I met my dragon king.~

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