Chapter 39 | intensive new beginnings

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Our last day in New York City wouldn't be any perfect if our flight to Brussels last night wasn't postponed to an early hour this morning.

Our last evening opened up with a shopping trip to one of the fanciest designer houses in Manhattan.

Proceeding with this funny and pleasant moment, we spent another couple of minutes in an electronic shop and later drove over to a popular jewelry parlor where we spent money on a good amount of items.

Dwain wanted to spend our last minutes of the night at a popular beach, Downtown, but I refused his offer and proposed a cinema night since a walk on a vacant beach at night might be way dangerous for either of us.

Luckily enough, he agreed to my head and we went forth to secure two entry tickets for a horror movie which gave us goosebumps when the end rolled up the screen.

Neither of us awaited the creepiest plot twist of all time which led to the most unrealistic ending of any horror/romance movie.

The rest of the night went great.

Our plane arrived at Brussels headquarters later in the evening after two hours of waiting for a connecting flight, on top of the fact that we didn't take a proper nap, and we couldn't even sleep during the flight because my wonderful husband booked us a commercial flight.

Babies wailing left and right, kids arguing, grumpy old people snoring and coughing, and a whole lot of other weird stuff happened.

When we exited the plane, my whole body ached down to the sole of my feet.

Everything about our flight went wrong in all ways possible.

Orlando made his appearance on time in a shiny black SUV and stepped out of the car in a stunning maroon tuxedo.

He recognized us from a distance and rushed for our luggage which he packed into the trunk of the car.

We hopped into the backseat and Orlando slammed the door after us, before settling in the driver's seat and driving us out of the airport.

Manly fingers played with my hair, untangling a hand full of knots and moving stubborn strands out of my face, while a heavy breath graced my puffing cheeks.

I snapped my heavy eyes open to a screeching halt and found a pair of the world's most beautiful blues eyes staring down at me in a calculating gaze.

The sweet smile I'd grown fond of for these past days, broke on Dwain's lips, pulling them apart.

I'd fallen asleep on Dwain's thighs during the drive to the mansion and somehow, cuddling up into the fetal position on his thighs didn't turn out bad even though it was weird.

My hands were folded under my head, covering the right half of my face to his thighs while the other half was exposed to his gaze.

I rolled my eyes at the ravishing prints of his hard abdomen on his white short-sleeve partly buttoned-up shirt.

"We shouldn't keep them waiting, " he brushed a thumb over my nose, and his touch burned my skin, sending electric impulses to many wrong places.

I blinked a few times and took in a deep breath to trash my nasty thoughts away as I rose to sit position from his thighs, and stretched my hands over my head.

"C'mon, it's cold out here."

Orlando held the door out for me and I stepped into the dry evening wind which blew my hair to my back and nudged a few strands to my face.

With a swift hand gesture, I swept the locks of hair to the back of my ear and gather the rest on one shoulder, where I allowed them to tumble in waves down to the small of my back.

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